From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ THE NEW WORLD ORDER The New World Order is a great threat to American Sovereignty. The followingreading is essential to combat the socialization and subjugation of America by The New World Order. In this file: SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL REPORT - February 1990 Trilateral Commission: World Shadow Government? Strange Views of Group's Founder Carter Filled Positions With TC Members TC Agenda Carried Out Three Front Groups Compared Here's How Trilaterals Deal With Press Opinions Shaped Vets Want Inquiry Spotlighters Not Surprised at Eastern European Events Trilateral Candidates in the Stable Council on Foreign Relations Membership List Trilateral Membership Revealed List of Global Elitist at 1991 Bilderberg Conference (End of special report) Education or Indoctrination? - Educational Restructuring of America Wipeout - (Economic Prognosis) The New World Order (Plain Truth Magazine) President Bush and His 'New World Order' Internationalists Want Open Borders Who's Behind the New World Order? Cult-Owned 'Conservatives' Advance One-World Agenda Shadow Government Reached Its 1990 Goals Search For Real Enemy Centered In Washington Liberty Lobby Reports - Bill of Rights Leading Iraq War Advocate Has Internationalist Agenda. ---------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February, 1990 TRILATERAL COMMISSION: WORLD SHADOW GOVERNMENT? The Trilateral Commission was established in 1973. Its founder and primary financial angel was international financier, David Rockefeller, longtime chairman of the Rockefeller family-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and undisputed overlord of his family's global corporate empire. Rockefeller's idea for establishing the commission emerged after he had read a book entitled "Between Two Ages" written by an Establishment scholar, Prof. Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University. In his book Brzezinski proposed a vast alliance between North America, Western Europe and Japan. According to Brzezinski, changes in the modern world required it. "Resist as it might," Brzezinski wrote elsewhere, "the American system is compelled gradually to accommodate itself to this emerging international context, with the U.S. government called upon to negotiate, to guarantee, and, to some extent, to protect the various arrangements that have been contrived even by private business." In other words, it was necessary for the international upper class to band together to protect its interests, and to ensure, in the developed nations, that political leaders were brought to power who would ensure that the global financial interests (of the Rockefellers and the other ruling elites) would be protected over those of the hoi polloi. POCANTICO HILLS CONFABS Although the initial arrangements for the commission were laid out in a series of meetings held at the Rockefeller's famous Pocantico Hills estate outside New York City, Rockefeller first introduced the idea of the commission at an annual meeting of the Bilderberg group, this one held in Knokke, Belgium in the 1972. The Bilderberg group is similar to the Trilateral Commission in that it is funded and heavily influenced by the Rockefeller empire, and composed of international financiers, industrialists, media magnates, union bosses, academics and political figures. However, the much older Bilderberg group's membership is strictly limited to participants from the United States, Canada and Western Europe: k.e. the NATO alliance. For more on the Bilderberg group, keep an eye out for future stories in this paper. The Trilateral commission was unique, though, in that it brought the Japanese ruling elite into the inner councils of the global power brokers, a recognition of Japan's growing influence in the world economic and political arena. a succinct summary of the commission's intent has been outlined by Holly Sklar who has conducted extensive research into the history and background of the Trilateral Commission. RULING CLASSES UNITE "The Commission's purpose is to engineer an enduring partnership among the ruling classes of North America, Western Europe and Japan - hence the term 'Trilateral' - in order to safeguard the interests of Western capitalism in an explosive world. The private commissions attempting to mold public policy and construct a framework for international stability in the coming decades. "To put it simply, Trilateralists are saying: The people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations. "In short, Trilateralism is the current attempt by ruling elites to manage both dependence and democracy - at home and abroad." Another Trilateral critic, now-retired Sen. Barry Goldwater (R- Ariz.), views the commission as a Rockefeller family operation through and through. According to Goldwater: "The Trilateral organization created by David Rockefeller was a surrogate - the members selected by Rockefeller, its purposes defined by Rockefeller, its funding supplied by Rockefeller. David Rockefeller screened and selected every individual who was invited to participate." PICKING POLICYMAKERS David Rockefeller and Brzezinski then began the process of selecting from among the "Trilateral" nations the several hundred elite power brokers who would be permitted to join in Trilateral policy making in the coming years. One of the commission's primary goals was to place a Trilateral- influenced president in the White House in 1976, and to achieve that goal it was necessary to groom an appropriate candidate who would be willing to cooperate with Trilateral aims. Rockefeller and Brzezinski selected a handful of well-known liberal Democrats and a scattering of Republicans (primarily of the liberal-internationalist bent) to serve on the commission. And in an effort to give regional balance to the commission Rockefeller invited the then-obscure one-term Democratic governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter, to join the commission. ROCKEFELLER CENTER SOUTH Rockefeller had longtime ties to the local Atlanta political and economic Establishment. In fact, much of Rockefeller's personal investment portfolio is in Atlanta real estate. (According to David Horowitz, co-author of "The Rockefellers, "atlanta is Rockefeller Center South.") And Rockefeller himself had once even invited Carter to dine with him at the Chase Manhattan Bank several years before, as early as 1971, the year Carter began serving as governor. Carter very definitely impressed Rockefeller and Brzezinski, more so than another Southern Democrat, Florida Gov. Reuben Askew, also selected to serve on the commission and viewed, like Carter, as a possible Trilateral candidate. In fact, according to Brzezinski, "It was a close thing between Carter and Askew, but we were impressed that Carter had opened up trade offices for the state of Georgia in Brussels and Tokyo. That seemed to fit perfectly into the concept of the Trilateral." Carter, in fact, like Askew, did announce for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination, but because of Rockefeller's interest, Carter had the inside shot. So much so that in a speech at the commission's first annual meeting in Kyoto, Japan in May of 1975, Rockefeller's man Brzezinski promoted the then-still obscure Carter to his fellow Trilateralists as an ideal presidential candidate. CUT AND DRIED From that point on, it was all cut and dried. According to Goldwater: "Rockefeller and Brzezinski found Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him win the Democratic nomination and the presidency. "To accomplish this purpose they mobilized the money-power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community - which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax- free foundations - and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR and the Trilateralist." (The aforementioned CFR - Council on Foreign Relations - is another Rockefeller-financed foreign policy pressure group similar to the Trilateralists and the Bilderberg group, although the CFR is composed solely of American citizens.) (In his book "The Carter Presidency and Beyond," published in 1980 by the Ramparts Press, Prof. Laurence H. Shoup devotes an entire chapter to demonstrating how the trilateral linked and Trilateral controlled Establishment media promoted the presidential candidacy in 1976 of the then obscure Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter.) Carter of course, campaigned as a "populist" - as a "man of the people" - as an "outsider" with not= ties to the Establishment. The fact is, however, Carter, who said he'd never lie, was an elitist, an insider, the Trilateral Commission's man on the white horse." And with the power of the commission and the Rockefeller empire and its media influence behind him, Carter made his way to the presidency, establishing the first full-fledged Trilateral administration, appointing numerous Trilateral administration, appointing numerous Trilateralists to key policymaking positions and carrying out the Trilateral agenda to the hilt.* ---------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 STRANGE VIEWS OF GROUP'S FOUNDER The strange views of the Trilateral Commission's founding director, Columbia University Prof. Zbigniew Brzezinski, say much about the unusual political orientation of the commission and its leadership. Brzezinski outlined his views in his book "Between Two Ages," published shortly before, in 1973, he set the Trilateral Commission in motion at the instruction of his patron David Rockefeller. Rockefeller had read Brzezinski's book and was impressed with its contents. It was this book that inspired Rockefeller to create the trilateral Commission. Here are a number of selections from the book that proved to be the genesis of the commission: * "Though Stalinism may have been a needless tragedy for both the Russian people and communism as an ideal, there is the intellectually tantalizing possibility that for the world at large it was, as we shall wee, a blessing in disguise." * "Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision. Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief." * "The Soviet union could have emerged as the standard-bearer of this century's most influential system of thought and as the social model for resolving the key dilemmas facing modern man." * "The approaching 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence would justify the call for a national Constitutional convention to re-examine the nation's formal institutional framework." Brzezinski, of course, went on to serve as perhaps the most powerful man in the Carter administration (1977-1981) serving as the president's national security adviser, responsible for maintaining America's national security (despite his written views favoring world communism).* ---------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 CARTER FILLED POSITIONS WITH TRILATERAL COMMISSION MEMBERS The election of Trilateralist Jimmy Carter to the presidency in 1976 marked the first formal Trilateral Commission takeover of the executive branch. Here is a lengthy (but by no means complete) overview of the Trilateralists who served under the first Trilateral administration: * Jimmy Carter, president of the United States. * Walter F. Mondale, Vice president of the United States. * Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security adviser. * Cyrus Vance, secretary of state. * Harold Brown, secretary of defense. * W. Michael Blumenthal, secretary of the treasury. * John Sawhill, federal energy administer. * Robert Duncan, secretary of energy. * Goseph Califano, secretary of health and human services. * Stansfield Turner, director of central intelligence. * Rovert R. Bowie, deputy to the director of central intelligence for national intelligence. * Warren Christopher, deputy secretary of state (and later sec.of state). * Lucy Wilson Benson, under secretary of state for security assistance. * Richard N. Cooper, under secretary of state for exonomic affairs. * Richard Holbrooke, assistant under secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs. * Gerard C. Smith, U.X. ambassador at large for non-proliferation matters. * Anthony M. Soloman, undersecretary of the treasury for monetary affairs. * Paul C. Warnke, director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. * Andrew Young,U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. * Paul Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve System. * Sol Linowitz, special negotiator for Panama Canal Treaties. --------------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 TRILATERAL COMMISSION AGENDA CARRIED OUT Within months of assuming office as the first member of the Trilateral Commission to be elected to the White House, President Jimmy Carter began implementing major policy measures that went hand in hand with the agenda of the commission. According to investigative reporter Craig S. Karpel, among those measures included: * Supporting restraints on freedom of the press. * Raising the price of new natural gas. * Refusing to place import controls on shoes. * Inserting a growth clause in the import regulations for textiles permitting clothing imports to rise by 6 percent annually. * Allowing the dollar to be devalued against foreign currencies as a step toward its replacement in international trade with "Bancor," a worldwide paper money to be created in unlimited amounts by the International Monetary Fund. * Pushing through the House and Senate the largest contribution in history to the World Bank and other international lending institutions (to be disbursed as foreign aid loans without country-by-country by Congress) to enable the less-developed countries to pay the interest on the $70 million owed to private banks in the United States. * Surrender of the American canal in Panama to Panamanian dictator Omar Torrimos and his right hand man and successor, Manuel Noriega. Trilateral-linked banks (including the London branch of the Rockefeller family's Chase Manhattan Bank) had lent large sums of money to the Panamanian government and were anxious to obtain interest on their loans. The banks believed interest payment would be possible only if Panama had access to profits from the canal. These and other measures were part and parcel of the Trilateral strategy as implemented by Jimmy Carter and his Trilateral- dominated administration.* ----------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February, 1990 THREE FRONT GROUPS COMPARED Three distinct Rockefeller-created and Rockefeller-financed international policy power blocs are often confused by their critics. A reason for this confusion is that, aside from the fact that each is controlled - fully or in part - by the Rockefeller empire, the groups ar very similar in intent and have a largely overlapping membership, usually working in direct concert toward the same goals. The membership in each of the groups is always composed of members of the Rockefeller family, their paid employees and consultants, allied international financiers and industrialists, academics from the major universities and tax-free foundations, high-ranking union leaders, key media personalities and controllers, and selected political figures. But each of the three - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission - is very different, as this chart demonstrates. THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. Based in New York and comprised solely of U.S. citizens. Publishes the quarterly journal FOREIGN AFFAIRS and conducts regular meetings and seminars. Key meetings are strictly confidential and off the record. Created in 1921 with Rockefeller funding and emerged as the American branch of the British Royal Institute on International Affairs (RIIA), succeeding an earlier, less organized entity already established in the role. The RIIA was the brainchild of English financier Cecil Rhodes (founder of the Rhodes scholarship) and devoted to the concept of reuniting the United States with the British Empire. CFR members, beginning with the Republican Herbert Hoover administration on through the present day in administrations Democrat and Republican alike, have continuously been appointed to key policymaking posts. David Rockefeller himself served as a longtime chairman of the CFR and remains its virtual master. THE BILDERBERG GROUP. Takes its name from the hotel in Holland where it first met in 1954. Meets regularly (presumably on a once- a-year basis) at various locations around the world, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by the Rockefeller family. Has a revolving membership of several hundred participants composed of elites from the United States and Western Europe, Primarily - almost exclusively - from the NATO countries. The Rothschild family is the leading European force within the Bilderberg group, sharing its power with the American-based Rockefeller empire. Maintains an extremely low profile and seldom, if ever, publishes reports or studies under its own official egis. Bilderberg participants denied the group's very existence for decades until forced into the open by the glare of media publicity, generated largely by The SPOTLIGHT and its newsletter-format predecessors, "Liberty Letter" and "Liberty Lowdown" (the latter publication is now defunct). TRILATERAL COMMISSION. Organized exclusively by David Rockefeller in 1973. Holds an official regular annual conclave closed to the independent press, but conducts seminars and other gatherings that are less exclusive. Membership is limited to elitists from the united States and Canada, Western Europe and Japan, several hundred in number. (Sources report that the commission may begin extending membership to elitists from Mexico in the near future). Issues periodic reports known as the "Triangle Papers" and press releases and published a journal called Trialogue (now defunct). David Rockefeller has continuously served, since its inception, as "North American chairman" but is acknowledged as its primary mover.* ------------------------------------ The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 HERE'S HOW TRILATERALS DEAL WITH PRESS Critics of the Trilateral Commission (TC) often make the mistake of saying that the commission has never been publicized in the Establishment media. The fact, however, is that the Establishment media has indeed publicized the TC, as the commission itself is quick to point out. The problem is this: News coverage of the commission's pronouncements and activities falls into one or more of these categories. The reporting: * Is undeniably biased in favor of the commissions; * Plays down or underestimates the significance of the Trilateral meetings; * Presents commission influence as being unimportant or unrelated to developing world events; or * Simply repeats the official Trilateral public relations line with no background investigation of its impact or global affairs. In one of its official public relations handouts, the commission brags that it "has been covered in major articles in major American newspapers and news magazines including, among others, NEWSWEEK, TIME and U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT and the NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, and SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE." The commission even claims that it "welcomes coverage of its activities." That the TC "welcomes coverage of its activities" is just not true, however. As even one of its own press releases from its March 29-31, 1981 meeting in Washington states clearly: "The commission's meetings are as usual private and off the record." Journalist - unless they are commission members are denied any access whatsoever to the commission's meetings. Even then, of sworn to absolute secrecy. Access to the inner circles of the power elite as represented by the commission if granted few journalists. Therefore in order to maintain their entre into the well-heeled world of the global masters, these journalist are not about to violate their oath of secrecy. Any news coverage of the commission's meetings that does ultimately appear in the wake of the meetings constitutes either rewrites of the Trilateral press releases or reports summarizing tightly controlled press conferences orchestrated by the Trilateralists and their well-paid support staff. In fact, as the aforementioned Washington meeting, the commission held three separate and widely attended press conferences. However, as usual, the published reports that appeared afterward presented the commission meetings as , at the least, boring and, at the most, unimportant this despite the fact that some of the world's most wealthy and powerful financiers, industrialists, trade unionists, journalists and media magnates, not to mention political leaders, held private, closed door sessions discussing major global issues. NOT THE SLIGHTEST OUTCRY As veteran Washington investigative journalist Jim Tucker (who has followed the Trilateralists for years) has noted: "If the world's most popular film stars, or football players, gathered for a closed-door meeting over the weekend, the press would go crazy, demanding to know what was discussed. "But when the world's most powerful private citizens gather in the company of key political leaders, there's not the slightest cry of outrage." What coverage of the Trilateralists there has been in the major press has been favorable. And what's more, much of the coverage of the commission has been focused on its critics, with the evident purpose of discrediting their complaints about the secretive nature of the global power bloc, (See accompanying illustration.) The only newspaper of consequence to report, in detail, on the intrigues of the Trilateralists has been The SPOTLIGHT. In fact, it was The SPOTLIGHT (in the person of investigative reporter Tucker) which actually infiltrated several closed conclaves of the commission and brought its readers in-depth reports about the TC's plans for America's and the World's future.* -------------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 OPINION SHAPED A major part of the Trilateral Commission's agenda is shaping public opinion in North America, Western Europe and Japan. This so that the voting public will accept the internationalist agenda laid forth by the Trilateral planners behind the scenes - and support the candidates for public office that the Trilateralists are promoting. According to then-U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Non-Proliferation Matters Gerard C. Smith (writing in the Atlantic Community Quarterly, fall, 1974 edition): "The purpose of the Trilateral Commission is to seek a private consensus on the specific problems examined in the Trilateral analysis. Consensus seeking must be a central element in the Trilateral process. The commission will seek to educate attentive audiences in the three regions, so that public opinion in Japan, North America, and Europe will come to reflect the private consensus." In other words, the power brokers who control the trilateral Commission will seek a consensus among themselves regarding what approaches to take toward major international issues - and the issues affecting people within the individual nations of the world. After such a "consensus" of the power brokers is reached, they will use their influence, through the Trilateral-influenced and Trilateral-controlled media and academia, to "educate" lawmakers and local elites in the "Trilateral" nations as to what is "best" for the people. The lawmakers will carry out the Trilateralist agenda, and the local elites will promote that agenda in their own regions. And the people will be made to accept the Trilateral schemes, whether they like it or not.* ------------------------------------ The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 VETS WANT INQUIRY The members of America's major non-partisan veterans organizations, the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, have formally called upon congress to investigate the Trilateral Commission. This is most appropriate considering the fact that it is America's veterans who have fought the wars and "police actions" staged by the Trilateralists and their allies in similar "one world" planning groups. Here's the partial text of a resolution approved at the 63rd national convention of the American Legion held in Honolulu, September 1-3, 1981. (WHEREAS, the American Legion in national Convention assembled in Boston, massachusetts, August 19-20 1980, did adopt Resolution 773 wherein it was demanded that the Congress of the United States launch a comprehensive investigation into the Trilateral Commission (TC) and its parent organization, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to determine what influence has been and is being exerted over the foreign and domestic policies of the United States; and) (WHEREAS, the Honorable Larry McDonald, of Georgia, introduced Resolution 773 on February 4, 1981 in the House of Representatives, applauded the initiative of the American legion, commended the text of the resolution to his colleagues and gave his strong support to this effort; now, therefore, be it.) (RESOLVED, by the American Legion in National Convention assembled in Honolulu, Hawaii, September 103 1981, that we demand, once more, that the Congress of the United States launch a comprehensive investigation into the TC and the CFR to determine what influence has been and is being exerted over the foreign and domestic policies of the United States; and, be it further) Here is the slightly edited text of a similar resolution (No. 460) approved by the Veterans of Foreign Wars in its 82nd nation convention in 1981. (WHEREAS, the New York City based Council on Foreign relations, a private organization founded in 12921 and the Trilateral Commission (the U.S., Europe and Japan), formed in 1973, have as members, and often as overlapping members, literally scores of top U.S. officials of the executive and legislative branches of government; and) WHEREAS, the core beliefs of the CFR/TC - detente, "interdependence," muting of strongly held American nationalism, security through arms control, stable money markets etc are often at variance with the uncommon sense of the American people . . . now, therefore) (BE IT RESOLVED, by the 82nd national Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, that a Joint Congressional Select Committee, drawn from the Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees of both Houses of the Congress . . .be called into bring to assess the influence of the CFR and TC "network" upon the foreign and domestic policies of the United States and to report their findings to the American people.) Congress has yet to launch any such investigation as urged by the members of America's two largest veterans organizations.* --------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition - February 1990 SPOTLIGHTERS NOT SURPRISED AT EASTERN EUROPEAN EVENTS By Michael Collins Piper World watchers who regularly read The SPOTLIGHT have not been surprised by Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev's peace overtures, perestrioka and glasnost, or by the revolutions in Wastern Europe. All of this actually stems from deals between the commusnist bosses and their business partners: Laurance and David Rockefeller and their allies in the highest echelons of the Trilateral Commission. All of this was literally predicted in a front-page SPOTLIGHT exclusive published on April 24, 1989, describing how the SPOTLIGHT's crack investigative reporter James P. Tucker Jr. infiltrated the annual meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Paris on April 8-10, 1989. In its exclusive, which was headlined: "Tralateral Goal: Make Soviets 'Full Partners in the Global Economy'," The SPOTLIGHT revealed the commission's agenda, one which The SPOTLIGHT aptly suggested would require "some artful juggling": * Ther must be enough movement toward peace so that Americans will tolerate massive transfusions of their tax dollars into communist countries to help the internationalists economically mine the lands behind the Iron Curtain; and * There must remain enough fear of war so that the military- industrial complex, especially the strategic defense initiative, continues to be immensely proftable. Look for dramatic advances in the 'peace process' in Europe in the months ahead - it has already started in poland, with the world shadow government taking credit. The Trilateral goal is to make the Soviet Union and the communist East-bloc countries "full partners in the global economy," with membership in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), both majorconduits of American tax dollars into Third World countries. * As a reward for the East-bloc countries loosening their ties with Moscow, Americans are to support those countries so the communists can better afford to buy the materials when the internationalists build the factories to produce them. As The SPOTLIGHT noted additionally: * David Rockefeller, through direct comments and those of other members -------------------------------- TRILATERAL CANDIDATES IN THE STABLE First-term Sen. Charles Robb (D-Va.) son in law of late former President Lyndon Johnson, has the inside shot at the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 1992 or beyond. Here's the primary reason why: Not only is Robb a member of the Rockefeller family's Council on Foreign Relations, but he's also a member of the Trilateral Commission and already being promoted in Trilateral circles as the commission's next choice for the presidency. You see, when investigative reporter Jim Tucker infiltrated the Trilateral Commission's annual conclave held in Paris, April 8-10 1989, Tucker overheard a commission member say to another, "We may want to make Robb president." According to Tucker, who was standing nearby among a group of commission members, "Several in the group nodded assent" It was only when they recognized Tucker (who was ultimately ejected from the meeting) that they fell silent. Tucker remarks: "The run Robb for president comment was not jocular, locker room joshing; the commission members were talking business." The Trilateralists want to be sure that both major parties nominate candidates who, if they are not Trilateralists, are at least amenable to the commission's demands. SACRIFICIAL LAMB Thus, if he wants to be the Democratic Party's candidate against "former" Trilateralist George Bush in 1992, Robb can have the honor. And it would set him in line should he lose to be the front- runner for his party's nomination in the next election. Interestingly, at least one Rockerfeller linked source (the WASHINGTON TIMES newspaper, published by Korean industrialist and cult leader Sun Myung Moon, whose operations have been financed by the Rockefellers for decades) has already trumpeted the possibility that Robb has considered changing, or is being pushed to change, parties and running for president on the Republican ticket. This is not altogether out of the realm of possibility. After all, Robb, a self-styled "moderate" who is out of step with the very liberal elements in the Democratic Party, has been a major critic of the more extreme forces which dominate his party. Whatever the end result, Robb is very much on the front lines as a potential Trilateral "man on the white horse" in the future. Another favorite of the commission is another of its members, Arkansas Democratic Gov. Bill Clinton who has been touted as a presidential possibility by the Rockefeller controlled media for many years even in fact before he was actually elected governor. (Clinton, interestingly, is also a former Rhodes scholar. As noted elsewhere in this special report. the Rhodes scholarships were established by British financier Cecil Rhodes who hoped for an ultimate reunification of the United States and Britain. The young academics awarded Rhodes scholarships are indoctrinated with this philosophy and charged with the responsibility of promulgating its ultimate aim. Indeed, as also noted elsewhere in this report, one leading Trilateralist has said that an "ideal" would, in fact, be the establishment of a single politico-economic entity composed of a merger of the United States and Britain.) OTHER FAVORITES It might be added that there is yet another Trilateral presidential possibility, like Clinton a Rhodes scholar. This is former basketball star Bill Bradley, a New Jersey Democrat now serving his second term in the Senate. Again like Clinton, Bradley was actually being promoted for the presidency by the media even before he even won his first election to public office. It would, of course, be a drastic disservice not to mention another prominent commission member who, like his brother Trilateralists, was also widely Promoted as a possible presidential candidate even before he was first elected to public office. This is Sen. John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV (D-W.VA.), heir to power and money and his late uncle Nelson's hunger for high office. These are just a few of the potential Trilateral favorites being mentioned for the White House. There will no doubt be several more. --------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition October 22, 1990 Prepared by F.R.E.E., P.O Box 33339, Kerrville, Texas 78029 (Reprints avail.) Sources: 1. The United States Government Manual 1989/90 Office of the Federal Register- National Archives and Records Administration Revised July 1, 1989 2. Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Director and Executives 1989 3. The CFR Conspiracy, By Phoebe Courtney, Littleton, CO., 1989 THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS AND TRILATERAL COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP ROASTER David Rockefeller: North American Chairman of The TRILATERAL COMMISSION 58 E. 68th St. New York, NY 10021 (212) 734-0400 and Former Chairman of The COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 345 E 46th St. New York, NY 10017 (212) 661-1180 WHITE HOUSE GEORGE BUSH: President of The United States...................Former member TC NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL DAN QUAIL: Vice President of The United States......................Non-member BRENT SCOWCROFT: National Security Advisor..............................CFR/TC JAMES BAKER: Secretary of State.....................................Non-member RICHARD B. CHENEY: Secretary of Defense....................................CFR COLIN L. POWELL: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff............................CFR WILLIAM H. WEBSTER: Director Central Intelligence Agency...................CFR DICK THORNBURGH: Attorney General..........................................CFR NICHOLAS F. BRADY: Secretary of Treasury...................................CFR RICHARD G. DARMAN: Dir. Office of Management of Budget.....................CFR JAMES B. WILLIAMS: Department of Education.................................CFR HORACE G. DAWSON, JR.: US Info Acy, Dir. Off.of Equal Opportunity/Civil Rights U.S. INSTITUTE FOR PEACE BRADLEY C. HOSMER, Lt. General USAF Board of Directors.....................CFR WILLIAM R. KINTNER, Board of Directors.....................................CFR JOHN NORTOM MOORE, Chairman................................................CFR ELSPETH DAVIES ROSTOW, Vice Chairman.......................................CFR W. SCOTT THOMPSON, Board member............................................CFR W. BRUCE WEINROD, Board member.............................................CFR SAMUEL W. LEWIS, President.................................................CFR DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION ELAINE L. CHAO, Dep. Sec...................................................CFR JUDICIARY STEVEN G. BREYER, U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circut, Boston..............CFR RUTH B. GINSBURG, U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circut.......................CFR LAURENCE H. SILBERMAN, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wahington D.C. Circut........CFR COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS ROY M. GOODMAN, Member.....................................................CFR TREASURY DEPARTMENT DONALD REGAN......................CFR JOHN HEIMANN........................CFR C.D. LORD.........................CFR WILLIAM SIMON.......................CFR MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL.............CFR/TC C. FRED BERGSTEN....................CFR ANTHONY M. SOLOMON.............CFR/TC ARNOLD NACHMANOFF...................CFR Helen B. Junz.....................CFR Richard Fisher......................CFR Roger Altman......................CFR AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPEMENT Richard E. Bissell.........................................................CFR INTER-AMERICAN FOUNDATION John C. Duncan, Bd. of Directors...........................................CFR GOVERNORS (FORMER) Mario Cuomo, New York.............CFR Bruce Babbitt, Arizona..............CFR LIBRARY OF CONGRESS James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board.....................CFR Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian National Programs........................CFR NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd. of Directors.......................................CFR James B. Holderman, Bd. of Directors.......................................CFR D. Allen Bromley, Bd. of Directors.........................................CFR OFFICE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PLOICY William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director............CFR U.S. ARMS CONTROL & DISARMAMENT AGENCY Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council & Special Advisor......................CFR Edward L. Rowney, Special Advisor to President & Secretary of State........CFR DEPARTMENT OF STATE Reginald Bartholomew, Undersec. for Security Asst.,Science & Tech..........CFR Lawrence S. Eaglebarger, Deputy Sec........................................CFR Brandon H. Grove, Dir, of Foreign Service Institute.....................TC/CFR H. Allen Holmes, Asst. Sec. Bureau of Politixo-Military Affairs............CFR John H. Kelly, ASST. Sec. Near East-South Asian Affairs....................CFR Robert M. Kimmitt, Under Sec. for Political Affairs........................CFR Rozanne L. Redgway, Asst. Sec. for European & Canadian Affairs.............CFR Ivan Selin, Under Sec. for Mngmnt..........................................CFR Richard H. Solomon, Asst. Sec. East Asian & Pacific Affairs................CFR Herbert S. Okun, Dep. Rep. United Nations..................................CFR Thomas R. Pickering, UN Representative.....................................CFR AMBASSADORS Morton K. Abramowitz, Turkey.......CFR Michael H. Armacost, Japan.........CFR Henry E. Catto, Great Britain......CFR Henry A. Grunwald, Austria.........CFR Deane R. Hinton, Costa Rica........CFR Jack F. Matiock, USSR..............CFR John D. Negroponte, Mexico.........CFR Edward N. Ney, Canada..............CFR Ronald D. Palmer, Hungary..........CFR Edward J. Perkins, South Africa....CFR Nicholas Platt, Phillipines........CFR James Spain, Maldives & Sri Lanka..CFR Terence A. Todman, Argentina.......CFR Frank G. Wisner II, Egypt..........CFR Warren Zimmerman, Yugoslavia.......CFR HOUSE & SENATE CFR/TC MEMBERS Timonthy E. Wirth, Sen. CO.........CFR Howard E. Wolpe, Cong. MI..........CFR Les ASpin, Cong. WI................CFR Rudy Boschwitz, Cong. MN...........CFR William Bradley, Sen. N.J..........CFR Daniel F. Burton, Jr., Cong. IN....CFR John H. Chaffee, Sen. R.I..........CFR Peter B. Smith, Cong. VT...........CFR Robert F. Smith, Cong. OR..........CFR Stephen J. Solarz, Cong. N.Y.......CFR Charles S. Robb, Sen, VA...........CFR John D. Rockefeller IV, Sen. W,V...CFR William Roth, Sen. DE...........TC/CFR Warren B. Rudman, Sen. N.H.........CFR Terry Sanford, Sen. N.C............CFR Jim Moody, Cong. WI................CFR Daniel P. Moynihan, Sen. N.Y.......CFR Clairbome Pell, Sen. R.I...........CFR Larry Pressler, Sen. S.D...........CFR Bill Green, Cong. N.Y..............CFR Christpher J. Dodd, Sen. CT........CFR Mel Levine, Cong. CA...............CFR John Lewis, Cong. GA...............CFR Robert T. Matsui, Cong. CA.........CFR Frank B. Horton III. Cong. N.Y.....CFR Dante B. Fascell, Cong. FL.........CFR Thomas S Foley, Cong. WA, Speaker..CFR Sam Gejdeson, Cong. CT.............CFR Bob Graham, Sen, FL................CFR William S. Cohen, Sen. ME..........CFR U.S. MILITARY (Past and Present, partial listing) ALLIED SUPREME COMMANDERS 49-52 Eisenhower..................CFR 63-69 Lemnitzer....................CFR 52-53 Ridgeway....................CFR 69-74 Goodpaster...................CFR 53-56 Gruenther...................CFR 74-79 Haig.........................CFR 56-63 Norstad.....................CFR 79-87 Rogers....................CFR/TC SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE 57-59 McElroy.....................CFR 75-77 Rumsfeld......................CFR 59-61 Gates.......................CFR 77-80 Brown......................CFR/TC 61-68 McNamara.................CFR/TC 80-88 Weinberger.................CFR/TC 69-73 Laird.......................CFR 88- Carlucci......................CFR 73-75 Richardson...............CFR/TC 88- Cheney........................CFR UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Fred Ikle.........................CFR Gen. Stillwell (Ret.)...............CFR ARMY Frederic J. Brown, CG Fourth Army.CFR AIR FORCE Gen. Chain SAC....................CFR MILITARY FELLOWS Army LG S. Berry..................CFR Army BG Z. Bradford.................CFR AF Col E. Foote...................CFR Army LG R. Gard.....................CFR AF MG R. Ginsburg.................CFR Mavy CAP R. Kurth...................CFR AF Lt. COL J. Levy................CFR AF MG W. Usher......................CFR JOINT STAFF VADM Thor Hanson..................CFR LG Paul Gorman......................CFR SUPERINTENDENTS U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST POINT 60-63 Westmoreland................CFR 70-74 Knowlton......................CFR 63-66 Lampert.....................CFR 74-77 Berry.........................CFR 66-68 Bennett.....................CFR 77-81 Goodpaster....................CFR PRESIDENT, NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY Lt. Gen. Hosmer...................CFR SECRETARY OF THE NAVY John Lehman, Jr...................CFR SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE Donald B. Rice....................CFR JOINT CHIEF Gen. Welch USAF...................CFR Admiral Trost Navy..................CFR ADDITIONAL MILITARY MG R.C. Bowman....................CFR BG F. Brown.........................CFR LT COL W. Clark...................CFR ADM Wm. Crowe.......................CFR COL P. Dawkins....................CFR VADM Thor Hanson....................CFR COL W. Hauser.....................CFR MAJ R. Kimmitt......................CFR GEN W. Knowlton...................CFR VADM J. Lee.........................CFR COL D. Mead.......................CFR MG Jack Merritt.....................CFR GEN E. Meyer......................CFR COL Wm. E. Odom.....................CFR COL L. Olvey......................CFR COL Geo. K. Osborn..................CFR MG J. Pustay......................CFR LG E.L. Rowny.......................CFR CAPT Gary Sick....................CFR MG De Witt Smith....................CFR BG Perry Smith....................CFR LTG Wm. Y. Smith....................CFR COL W. Taylor.....................CFR ADM S. Turner.......................CFR MG J. Welch.......................CFR GEN J. Wickham......................CFR FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (Past & Present - Partial Listing) Alan Greenspan, FED Chmn.......CFR/TC Andrew R. Brimmer...................CFR E. Gerald Corrigan.............CFR/TC Sam Y. Cross........................CFR Robert F. Erburu..................CFR Robert P. Forrestal.................CFR Gerald D. Hines...................CFR Bobby R. Inman...................CFR/TC John B. James.....................CFR Robert H. Knight, Esq...............CFR Steven Muller.....................CFR John R. Opel........................CFR Donald C. Platten.................CFR Emmett J. Rice......................CFR Anthony M. Solomon.............CFR/TC Edwin M. Truman.....................CFR Cyrus R. Vance....................CFR Paul Volcker.....................CFR/TC Henry Wallich.....................CFR George Weyerhaeuser..............CFR/TC Henry Woodbridge, Jr...........CFR/TC BANKING CHASE MANHATTAN CORP. Willard C. Butcher, Chmn & CEO....CFR Thomas G. Labrecque, Pres & COO. CFR/TC Robert R. Douglass, V. Chmn.......CFR William T. Coleman, Jr. Dir......CFR/TC James L. Ferguson, Dir............CFR Richard W. Lyman, Dir...............CFR Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir.............CFR David T. Kearns, Dir................CFR David T. McLaughlin, Dir..........CFR Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir...........CFR Henry B. Schacht..................CFR CHEMICAL BANK Walter V. Shipley, Chmn...........CFR Thomas S. Johnson, Pres.............CFR Robert J. Callander, V. Chmn......CFR Richard S. Simmons, V. Chamn........CFR Donald C. Platten, Dir............CFR Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Dir...........CFR Richard D. Wood, Dir..............CFR Franklin H. Williams, Dir...........CFR Martha Redfield Wallace, Dir......CFR W. Micheal Blumenthal, Dir..........CFR Michael L. Sovern, Dir............CFR Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir...............CFR George V. Grune, Dir..............CFR Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir.........CFR CITICORP John S. Reed, Chmn................CFR Hans H. Augermueller, V. Chmn.......CFR John M. Deutch, Dir...............CFR Juanita M. Krepe, Dir...............CFR C. Peter McColough, Dir...........CFR Charles M. Pigott, Dir..............CFR MORGAN GUARANTY Lewis T. Preston, Chmn............CFR BANKERS TRUST NEW YORK CORPORATION Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chmn....CFR Alfred Brittain III, Dir............CFR Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir........CFR Richard L. Gelb, Dir................CFR Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir.......CFR Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir.........CFR FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO Barry F. Sullivan..................TC EXPORT-IMPORT BANK Hart Fessenden, Gen Coundil.......CFR MANUFACTURERS HANOVER DIRECTORS Cyrus Vance.......................CFR G. Robert Durham....................CFR George B. Munroe..................CFR Marina V. N. Whitman.............CFR/TC Charles J. Pilliod, Jr............CFR COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS Ellen B. Futter, Barnard College..CFR Michael K. Sovern, Columbia U.......CFR Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell U......CFR John Brademus, New York U...........CFR Joshua Lederberg. Rockefeller U...CFR Alice S. Ilchman, Sarah Lawrence C..CFR Theodore Hesburgh, Notre Dame..CFR/TC Donald Kennedy, Stanford U..........CFR Benno C. Schmidt, Jr., Yale U.....CFR Edward T. Foote, II, U of Miami.....CFR James T. Laney, Emory U...........CFR Hanna Holborn Gray, U of Chicago....CFR Steven Muller, Johns Hopkins U....CFR Nanneri O. Keohane, Wellesley U.....CFR William Danforth, Wash.U.St Louis.CFR William G. Bowen, Princeton U.......CFR Donna E. Shalala, U of Wis.....CFR/TC Hans M. Mark, Chancellor, U of Tex..CFR Wesley W. Posvar, U of Pittsburg..CFR Howard R. Wwearer, Brown U..........CFR James Holderman, U of S. Carolina.CFR John D. Wilson, Wash. & Lee U.......CFR MEDIA CBS William Paley.....................CFR William Burden......................CFR Roswell Gilpatric.................CFR James Houghton...................CFR/TC Henry Schacht..................CFR/TC Marietta Tree.......................CFR C.C. Collingwood..................CFR Lawrence LeSueur....................CFR Dan Rather........................CFR Harry Reasoner......................CFR Richard Hottelet..................CFR Frank Stanton.......................CFR Bill Moyers.......................CFR NBC/RCA Jane Pfeiffer.....................CFR Lester Crystal......................CFR Lester Crystal....................CFR R.W. Sonnenfeldt....................CFR T.F. Bradshaw.....................CFR John Petty..........................CFR David Brinkley....................CFR John Chancellor.....................CFR Marvin Kalb.......................CFR Irving Levine.......................CFR H. Schiosser......................CFR P.G. Peterson....................CFR/TC John Sawhill...................CFR/TC ABC Ray Adam..........................CFR Frank Cary..........................CFR John Connor.......................CFR T.M. Macioce........................CFR Ted Koppel........................CFR John Scali..........................CFR Barbara Walters...................CFR CABLE NEWS NETWORK Daniel Schorr.....................CFR PUBLIC BROADCAST SERVICE Hartford Gunn.....................CFR Robert McNeil.......................CFR Jim Lehrer........................CFR C. Hunter-Gault.....................CFR Hodding Carter III................CFR Daniel Schorr.......................CFR ASSOCIATED PRESS Keith Fuller......................CFR Stanley Swinton.....................CFR Louis Boccardi....................CFR Harold Anderson.....................CFR Katharine Graham...............CFR/TC UPI H.L. Stevenson....................CFR REUTERS Micheal Posner....................CFR BOSTON GLOBE David Rogers......................CFR BALTIMORE SUN Henry Trewhitt....................CFR WASHINGTON TIMES Arnaud de Borchgrave..............CFR NEW YORK TIMES CO. Richard Gelb......................CFR James Reston........................CFR William Scranton...............CFR/TC A.M. Rosenthal......................CFR Seymour Topping...................CFR James Greenfield....................CFR Max Frankel.......................CFR Jack Rosenthal......................CFR Harding Bradford..................CFR Amory Bradford......................CFR Orvil Dryfoos.....................CFR David Halberstram...................CFR Walter Lippmann...................CFR L.E. Markel.........................CFR H.L. Matthews.....................CFR John Oakes..........................CFR Adolph Ochs.......................CFR Harrison Salisbury..................CFR A. Hays Sulzberger................CFR A. Ochs Sulzberger..................CFR C.L. Sulzberger...................CFR H.L. Smith..........................CFR Steven Rattner....................CFR Richard Burt........................CFR TIME, INC Ralph Davidson....................CFR Donald M. Wilson....................CFR Louis Banks.......................CFR Henry Grunwald......................CFR Alexander Heard...................CFR Sol Linowitz.....................CFR/TC Rawleigh Warner, Jr...............CFR Thomas Watson, Jr...................CFR NEWSWEEK/WASHINGTON POST Katharine Graham...............CFR/TC Philip Graham.......................CFR Arjay Miller.......................TC N. deB. Katzenbach..................CFR Frederick Beebe...................CFR Robert Christopher..................CFR Osborne Elliot....................CFR Phillip Geyelin.....................CFR Kermit Lausner....................CFR Murry Marder........................CFR Malcolm Muir......................CFR Maynard Parker......................CFR George Will.......................CFR Robert Kaiser.......................CFR Meg Greenfield....................CFR Walter Pincus.......................CFR Murray Gart.......................CFR Peter Osnos.........................CFR Peter Osnos.......................CFR Don Oberdorfer......................CFR DOW JONES & CO William Agee......................CFR J. Paul Austin.......................TC Charles Mayer.....................CFR Robert Potter.......................CFR Karen House.......................CFR NATIONAL REVIEW Wm. F. Buckley, Jr................CFR Richard Brookiser...................CFR ENERGY COMPANIES EXXON CORPORATION Lawrence G. Rawl, Chmn............CFR Lee R. Raymond, Pres................CFR Jack F. Bennett, Sr. VP...........CFR Jack G. Clarke, SR. VP..............CFR TEXACO Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr. Chmn. ATLANTIC RICHFIELD-ARCO Philop M. Hawley..................CFR Hannah H. Gray......................CFR Donald M. Kendall..............CFR/TC SHELL OIL CO. John F. Bookout MOBIL CORP. Allan E. Murray, Chmn.............CFR Richard F. Tucker, V. Chmn..........CFR INDUSTRY DEERE & CO Robert H. Hanson & CEO............CFR IBM John F, Akers, Chmn...............CFR John R. Opel, Chmn, former Chmn. Fed Reserve Bank of New York............CFR AMTRAK William S. Norman, Exec. V.Pres...CFR BOARD OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING Micheal Novak, Member.............CFR Lane Kirkland, Member...............CFR AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH (AT&T) Directors: Peter E. Haas.....................CFR Juanita M. Kreps....................CFR Donald F. McHenry.................CFR Henry B. Schacht....................CFR Micheal I Sovem...................CFR Franklin A. Thomas Jr,..............CFR Rawleigh Warmer, Jr...............CFR Thomas H. Wyman.....................CFR CHRYSLER CORPORATION Directors: Joseph A. Califano, Jr............CFR Juanita Kreps.......................CFR Peter A. Magowan..................CFR J. Paul Sticht......................CFR GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Directors: Anne L. Armstrong.................CFR Marvin L. Goldberger................CFR Edmund T. Pratt, Jr...............CFR James D. Robinson III...............CFR Leon H. Sullivan..................CFR Thomas H. Wyman.....................CFR FORD MOTOR COMPANY Directors: Donald E. Peterson, Chmn..........CFR Philip Caldwell......................TC Roberto C. Goizueta............CFR/TC Drew Lewis..........................CFR GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY John F. Welch, Jr. Chmn...........CFR David C. Jones......................CFR Lewis T. Preston..................CFR Frank H.T. Rhodes...................CFR Walter B. Wriston.................CFR Lawrence A. Bossidy, V. Chmn.........TC CFR INFLUENCE IN THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE Robert McCormick Adams, Secretary CFR......................................CFR Amme L. Armstrong, Bd. of Regents..........................................CFR William J. Baroody, Jr. Chmn, Bd of Trust,Woodrow Wilson Inter.Cnt.Schlrs..CFR William G. Bowen, Bd of Regents............................................CFR Ralph P. Davidson, Chmn, J.F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts...........CFR Murray Gell-Mann, Bd of Regents............................................CFR Daniel P. Moynihan, Bd of Regents..........................................CFR John R. Stevenson, Pres. National Gallery of Art...........................CFR "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society which originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established... "The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States." WITH NO APOLOGIES Senator Barry Goldwater Good TIMES - BAD TIMES - RECESSION - DEPRESSION Influence or control of Money, Mail, Media, Military, IRS/Tax Courts, Commerce, Energy, Unions, Domestic and Foreign Policy, etc. provides an apparent opportunity for massive fraud, robbery and control of the American people!*The SPOTLIGHT Special Edition February 1990 THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION AND ELITE PLANNING FOR THE WORLD MANAGEMENT NORTH AMERICAN MEMBERS Edited by Holly Skar "TRILATERALISM," an in-depth research study of the history of the Trilateral Commission, is available for $18 from Liberty Library, 300 Indepence Ave., SE Washington D.C. 20003 JOHN D. ALLAN, Chief Executive Officer, Stelco Inc., Toronto ROBERT E. ALLEN, Chairman of the Board, American Telephone & Telegraph Co. DWAUNE O. ANDREAS, Chmn. Bd. & Chief Ex. Off., Archer Daniels Midland Co. ROBERT L. BARTLEY, Editor, The Wall Street Journal C. FRED BERGSTEN, Director, Institute for International Economics, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs. CONRAD M. BLACK, Chairman, Argus Corporation, Ltd,. Toronto; Chmn., President and Chief Executive Officer. Hollinger Inc. LAWRENCE A. BOSSIDY, Vice Chairman of the Board, General Electric Company. GERALD K. BOUEY, Former Governor of the Bank of Canada TOM BRADDLEY, Mayor of Los Angeles HAROLD BROWN, Chairman, Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, Washington D.C.; former U.S. Secretary of Defense *ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, Counselor, Centerfor Strategic and International studies; Herbert Lehman Professor of Government, Columbia University; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs JAMES E. BURKE, Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson & Johnson SOL C. CHAIKIN, President Emeritus, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union HENRY G. CISNEROS, Mayor of San Antonio, Texas BILL CLINTON, Governor of Arkansas WILLIAM S. COHEN, Member of United States Senate *WILLIAM T. COLEMAN, JR., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers; former U.S. Secretary of Transportation RICHARD N. COOPER, Maurits Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs E. GERALD CORRIGAN, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York RAYMOND CYR, President, Bell Canada Enterprises, Montreal LYNN E. DAVIS, Fellow, Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, Washington D.C. ROBERT W. DECHERD, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, A.H. Belo Corporation PETER C. DOBELL, Director, Parliamentary Centre for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Ottawa MARIE-JOSEE DROUIN, Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada Montreal CLAUDE A EDWARDS, Former Member, Public Service Staff Relations Board, Ottawa DIANNE FEINSTEIN, Former Mayor of San Francisco MARTIN FELDSTEIN, President, National Bureau of Economics, Harvard University; former Chairman, U.S. Council of Economic Advisors THOMAS S. FOLEY, Majority Leader of U.S. House of Representatives LOUIS V. GERSTNER, JR,. President and Chief Executive Officer, RJR Nabisco, Inc. JOHN H. GLEN, JR., Member of United States Senate ROBERTO C. GOIZUETA, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive officer, The Coca-Cola Company NEIL GOLDSCHMIDT, Governor of Oregon; former U.S. Secretary of Transportation ALLAN E. GOTLIEB, Former Canadian Ambassador to the United States KATHARINE GRAHAM, Chairman of the Board, The Washington Post Company MAURICE R. GREENBERG, President and Chief Executive Officer, American International Group, Inc. ROBERT D. HAAS, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Sevi Strauss & Co. ALEXANDER M. HAIG, JR,. President, Worldwide Associates, Inc.; former U.S. Secretary of State ROBERT A. HANSON, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Deere & Company DAVID J. HENNIGAR, Chairman, Crownx Inc.; Atlantic Regional Director,Burns Fry Ltd,. Halifax, Nova Scotia THEODORE M. HESBURGH, C.S.C., President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame. RICHARD C. HOLBROOKE, Managing Director, Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc.; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. ROBERT D. HORMATS, Vice Chairman, Goldman, Sachs International; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs. JAMES R. HOUGHTON, Chairman of the Board, Corning Glass Works. WILLIAM G. HYLAND, Editor, Foreign Affairs; former U.S. Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. *ROBERT S. INGERSOLL, Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and ambassador to Japan. BOBBY RAY INMAN, President and Chief Executive Officer, Westmark Systems Inc.; former Deputy Cirector, Central Intelligence Agency. W. THOMAS JOHNSON, Publisher and Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles Times. THOMAS V. JONES, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Northrop Corporation. BARBARA jORDAN, Lyndon B. Johnson Centennial Chair in National Policy, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas; former member of U.S. House of Representatives. VERNON JORDAN, Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. GEORGE M. KELLER, Former C hairman of the Board, Chevron Corporation. DONALD M. KENDALL, Chairman of the Executive Committee, PepsiCo Inc. *LANE KIRKLAND, President, AFL-CIO JEANE J. KIRKPATRICK, Resident Scholar, American Enterpise Institute; former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. *Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; former U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. THOMAS G. LABRECQUE, President, the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. JIM LEACH, Member of U.S. House of Representatives. FLORA lEWIS, Foreign Affairs Columnist, The New York Times. JAMES T. LYNN, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Aetna Life & Casualty Co., former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. BRUCE K. MACLAURY, President, The Brookings Institution. *ROBERT S. MCNAMARA, Former President, The World Bank; former U.S. Secretary of Defense. RUBEN F. METTLER, Former Chairman of the Board, TRW, Inc. JOSEPH S. NYE, JR., Director of the Center for Science & International Affairs and Ford Foundation Professor of Government, Harvard University; former U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of State for Decurity Assistance, Science and Technology. CHARLES S. RANGEL, Member of U.S. House of Representatives. DONALD B. RICE, President and Chief Executive Officer, The RAND Corporation. CHARLES S. ROBB, Member of United States Senate, former Governor of Virginia. *CHARLES W. ROBINSON, Chairman, Energy Transition Corporation; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State. DUFF ROBLIN, Member of Canadian Senate; former Premier of Manitoba; former Government Leader in the Senate. DAVID ROCKEFELLER JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, Member of United States Senate; former Governor of West Virginia. FELIX G. ROHATYN, Partner, Lazard Freres & Co. *HENRY ROSOVSKY, Lewis P. & Linda L. Geyser University Professor, Harvard Unibersity. WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., Member of United States Senate. WILLIAM W. SCRANTON, Former Governor of Pennsylvania; former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. DONNA E. SHALALA, Chancellor, University of Wisconsin at Madison. ALBERT SHANKER, President, American Federation of Teachers. GERARD C. SMITH, Former Head of U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and Chief Negotiator -Proliferation Matters. RON SOUTHERLAND, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Ltd., Calgary. S. FREDERICK STARR, President, Oberlin College. FRITZ R. STERN, Seth Low Professor of History, Columbia University. DAVID STOCKMAN, General Partner, The Blackstone Group; former Director U.S. Office of Mamagement and Budget. ROBERT s. sTRAUSS, Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Houer & Feld; former U.S. Special Trade Representative. BARRY F. SULLIVAN, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, The First National Bank of Chicago. STROBE TALBOTT, Washington Bureau Chief and Foreign Affairs Columnist, Time. PETER TARNOFF, President, council on Foreign Relations, New York. LESTER C. THUROW, Dean, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. WILLIAM I.M. TURNER, JR., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PCC Industrial Corporation, Montreal. G.A. VAN WIELINGEN, President and Chief Executive Officer, NuGas Limited, Calgary. *PAUL A. VOLCKER, Chairman, James D. Wolfensohn Inc., New York; Frederick H. Schultz Professor of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University; former Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System. *J.H. WARREN, Principal Trade Policy Advisor, Government of Quebec; Canadian Ambassador to the United States. GLENN E. WATTS, President Emeritus, Communications Workers of America. CLIFTON R. WHARTON, JR., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association/College Retirement Equities Fund; former Chancellor, State University of New York. MARINA V.N. WHITMAN, Vice President & Group Execuitive, General Motors Corporation. GEORGE F. WILL, Columnist. KAREN HASTIE WILLIAMS, Partner, Crowell & Moring. * Executive Committee FORMER MEMBERS IN PUBLIC SERVICE GEORGE BUSH, President of the United States RICHARD C.DARMAN, Director, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State. LAWRENCE S. EAGLEBURGER, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State ALAN GREENSPAN, Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System. CARLA A. HILLS, U.S. Trade Representative. WINSTON LORD, U.S. Ambassador to the People's Republic of China. LOWELL MURRAY, Government Leader in the Senate; Canadian Minister of State for Federal-Provincial Relations. BRENT SCOWCROFT, U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. WILLIAM C. WINEGARD, Minister of State (Science and Technology), Government of Canada. Space limitation prohibits publication here (in the SPOTLIGHT) of the entire international membership list of the Trilateral Commission. But suffice it to say the membership includes some of the biggest names in Western European and Japanese politics, finance, industry and the media. A sampling: Giovanni Agnelli, chairman of FIAT; Garret Fitzgerald, former prime minister of Ireland; Walther Leisler Kiep, treasurer of the Christian Democratic Party of Germany; Andrew Knight, editor-in-chief of London's Daily Telegraph; Gerhard Stoltenberg, West German minister of defense; Thorvald Stoltenberg, Norwegian minister of foreign affairs; Takashi Ishihara, Chairman of Nissan; Yohei Mimura, chairman, Mitsubishi Corp.; Yutaka Saito, president of Nippon Steel; and Eiji Toyoda, chairman of Toyota. For a complete list of the members of the commission, as of May 8, 1989, send $3 to The SPOTLIGHT, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.* --------------------------- The following article is from the Concerned Women for America of Colorado News Digest. Comments regarding the article should be made in writing to the CWA of Colorado News Digest Editor, P.O. Box 1987, Arvada, Co 80001-1987. EDUCATION OR INDOCTRINATION? Educational Restructuring of America by Carol Belt A new wave of education reform is sweeping the country. This reform, being promoted by such national figures as Theodore Sizer, Ernest Boyer, John Goodlad, Mortimer Adler and others with the futurist perspective is call restructuring. The futurist perspective that these people have is a combination of a One World Government and a One World Religion which, combined, would create a New World Order. Education leaders are dismantling traditional schools and transforming them into alternative models for the future. These alternative models touted as new creative, and being exclusively developed by individual districts, are in fact clones of national programs introduced by progressive educators years ago. I have been following these educational trends for several years. I became aware of them back in the early 1980's when I was asked to be on a committee for strategic planning for our schools district. At that time i did not belong to any organized group, nor did I have any political ambitions. As I began to see the non- competitive, antinationalistic approach that was being promoted in these programs, I became very concerned. i was not able to receive any straight answers to my questions regarding these programs. i decided to run for the school board in our local district. As a result of being on the school board, I was able to go to meetings and have received publications that have given me access to first hand information on things that I had only suspected before. After years of research, I decided to begin to write reports on some of the things that I have discovered. This first report, entitled Educational Restructuring of America Education or Indoctrination, was written from material supplied by the Littleton High School, Littleton Colorado District #6 to promote their Direction 2000 project. Their reform package calls for a new criteria for graduation. These criteria include assessment of the students' social, ethical and emotional development. They also include doing away with traditional grades and the Carnegie Unit (which determines who gets into college). Emphasis is placed on attitudes, self-esteem, and critical thinking skills rather than academic, cognitive (i.e., three R's) skills. The thinking skills referred to are nothing more than another deceptive term to introduce a way of changing students' values. A curriculum reflecting these skills is necessary for 'willing' or at least 'passive' citizenship in a socialistic one-world government. Thousands of taxpayer dollars are being spent on this project. The reason for changing the basic and traditional methods of measuring student success has not been made clear. Outcome based, mastery learning and re-learning are one and the same. Names are changed where these programs are introduced and re-introduced in order to gain acceptance and present them as the cure all for our sick educational system. Theodore Sizer's Coalition of Essential Schools, believes that "student progress relies more on demonstration of thoughtful habits of mind and less on memorization of facts." This technique, when first reviewed, was said to result in gains of up to one standard deviation in student achievement. Such a gain would push a student at the 50th percentile on a achievement to nearly the 85th percentile. A report by Robert E. Slavin from Johns Hopkins University, critical of the results of this technique, states that Mastery Learning failed to increase student scores on standardized tests. The results were that this technique benefits low achievers, while holding back the high achievers from progressing to higher levels. Although these programs have been rejected by school districts in Chicago, Montana, Tennessee, Michigan and New Mexico, outcome-based education is being currently popularized by Theodore Sizer and his Coalition of Essential Schools. In the 1990 annual report of the Colorado Department of Education entitled "Reaching for the Future," page 13 states: "The Re:Learning Project is a national effort to redesign the total educational system in cooperation with the Coalition of Essential Schools and the Education Commission of the States." Colorado is currently participating in Re:Learning as a networking state, which involves a state planning/study group composed of policy makers and representatives of schools, districts and higher education institutions who meet on a regular basis to explore the feasibility of the Re:learning Project of Colorado. Participating schools are Chatfield high School, Jefferson County; Lamar Middle School, Southeast Colorado, Montrose School District, Western Slopes; High schools redirection,Denver Public Schools; the Lab School of UNC, Greeley; and Horizon High School, Adams 12. Since this report. was released, there are several other schools that have been added. They are: Akron High School, the entire Aspen School District, Douglas County High School, Castle Rock Junior High, Larkspur Elementary, Douglas County, Fairview High School, Burbank Junion High, Martin Park Elementary, Boulder Valley District, the entire Fort Lupton School District, Hinkley High School, Aurora School District, Evergreen High School, Jefferson High School, Wheat Ridge Junior High, Lumberg, Molhom, Edgewater, Martenson, Stevens Elementary schools, Jefferson County, Lincoln High School, Denver, the entire Pagosa Springs School District, Roaring Fork and Basalt High Schools, East Junior High, Palmer and Adams Elementary, El Paso II, Pueblo 70 High School, University High School, Greeley. For more information, contact: C. Belt, PO Box 2244, Englewood, Colorado 80150.* ------------------------------ "WIPEOUT" was receive from a financial advisor newsletter publisher, The "Insider Report", P.O. Box 84903, Phoenix, AZ 85071 1-800-528-0559. Although it was basically an advertisement for the news letter, it emphasizes the fact that The New World Order is a very real threat and isnot an imaginary conspiracy. Those who truly understand The New World Order and are not a part of it are everywhere trying to warn others. This should mean something to you if you are concerned about the future. Listen carefully! We will eliminate the newsletter advertisement and stress only the details on The New World Order. WIPEOUT! Are you ready for a world turned upside down? You need to be. Because we're facing a tidal wave of gut-wrenching upheavals that will make it seem our world's is being ripped apart. Bank failures ... business collapses ... international terrorism ... wars and rumors of wars ... all much worse than anything in human history. Is the whole world going crazy? No! But it is being transformed in what will be the most massive shift of power and wealth in over two centuries. Call it the "end of history," the "age of apocalypse," or the "New World order." Amidst the chaos, it's vital you understand two things: (1) None of this is accidental. It's all been planned. (2) You can take steps to protect yourself. In fact, you must - or you too will be swept away in the WIPEOUT. Dear Concerned Investor, As you read this, a handful of Americans are becoming much, much wealthier. For most of them, reaping truly extraordinary profits is virtual child's play. Not because they can "see" into the future -- but because they can manipulate the future. I'm talking about a small group of super-powerful, superinfluential businessmen and government advisors (we call the "the Insiders") who know what's about to happen, because they were in on the planning. These "Insiders" don't break the laws -- they make the laws! They rig the rules others must follow ... orchestrate national events and international crises. And believe me when I tell you, they've got market-manipulation down pat. But there's a second group of people who are also about to see their fortunes rise. These sharp investors will take profits on a scale once reserved only for the Insiders. And they'll do it the easy way --- by copy- catting every move those master manipulators make. When you know who these "Insiders" are ... learn their signals ... know how to match their moves ... you can follow the super-rich Insiders to the pot of gold. Let me show you how. THE LURE OF CRISIS - DRIVEN PROFITS If you think we've been living in chaotic, confusing times, I've got bad news for you. Things are about to get a lot worse. There won't be one crisis to face in the coming months. I'm afraid there will be a lot more than that. We've seen falling real estate prices, bank and S&L failures, a recession that is already a depression for many Americans, and 300,000 troops stationed in the Middle East. It's enough to make Pollyanna bite her nails, isn't it? But we are just on the edge of the storm. The full, lashing fury is still to come. And there's something even more incredible than the huge scope of this series of mega-disasters-to-come. What's more amazing is that THIS wipeout has been PLANNED. The coming crises are not just normal market corrections ... not just a symptom of a declining dollar ... not just a reaction to chaotic world events. No the world is being prepared for crisis, and America is being set up to take a fall, for a simple but incredibly evil reason ... BECAUSE A HANDFUL OF THE NOT-SO-IDLE RICH HAVE PLANNED IT THAT WAY. THEY'RE DOING IT SO THEY CAN ACHIEVE EVEN MORE WEALTH AND POWER. We call the schemers behind all this "the Insiders." And they've been playing this dangerous but very profitable game with world finances and world politics for generations. They've got it down to a science ... a very lucrative science. And now they think they're about to take total control. The Insiders have various names for their grand design -- "the end of history" ... the "age of apocalypse" ... and ultimately, "the New World Order." Whatever they call it, it means bad news for us. And for every other human who values freedom. What these Insiders don't know (or in some cases, don't care) is that a small minority of people understand their schemes ... oppose their dreams ... and plan to match their investment strategies all the way up. In a moment, I'll tell you how you can be one of them. But first ... more about the people we call "the Insiders." THE REAL POWER BROKERS The people we mean by "Insiders" --- the ones who use their huge fortunes and considerable power to rig markets and promote conflicts -- are all members of a small but immensely powerful cartel. You'll find them in such institutions as the Roundtable, the Bilderburgers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. The unholy alliance exists for one reason ... These Insiders are the movers and shakers who are in charge of each country's central bank ... who control their governments. Who run the world's multinational banks ... the communications media ... the educational systems... and tax-free foundations. You'll find these Insiders in the corridors of power in New York, Washington, London, and Zurich ... even Moscow itself. You know the type --- wealthy, well--connected international businessmen (and a few women), politicians, bankers, media moguls, and the like. THESE INSIDERS OPERATE ABOVE THE LAW These Insiders are not petty operators. They've been referred to as the "secret government" of the United States. But the fact is, they wield more power between them than the governments of the U.S. and U.S.S.R combined! They're bigger than governments! They are what one prominent European politician called, "THE POWER THAT NEED NOT SPEAK ITS NAME." *** control what you see and hear (and spike what they don't want you to know). *** choose who will be nominated for important political office (including the Presidency) and often, who will win. *** decide which companies will prosper, which will be saved from disaster, and which will sink without a trace. *** determine the value of the dollar, the price of gold, the rise (and fall) of interest rates and the stock market (remember the Planned Crash?), and much more. With power like that, they can do almost anything they want. So they do. And there is ... ONE TEMPTATION THEY CAN'T RESIST Why can't the Insiders ---people with more money than they could spend in ten lifetimes ... more luxuries than they could ever find time to enjoy -- resist the temptation to rig events? Two reasons. The first, surprisingly, isn't greed -- it's an almost unbelievable arrogance. They do it because they can. Because they enjoy it. And because, believe it or not, they think they have the right to rule or ruin our lives. These twisted souls take an almost obscene pleasure in the game itself. Every nuance of the play, every shared signal, brings them pleasure. Every flex of their muscle or demonstration of their power brings them a wicked delight. But the Insiders greatest satisfaction will come when their true goal is finally reached ... when they've successfully steered the markets and the world into place for their ultimate power grab. and that's why the second reason for their actions is much more serious ... with potentially horrifying consequences for you and your family. THEY WANT TO RULE THE WORLD The Insiders actually believe it is their "responsibility" to rule the world. And they and their predecessors have dreamed and schemed for decades to bring this about. That's why they have combined their considerable talents, wealth, and connections for so long. Their goal has been nothing less than the creation of a NEW WORLD ORDER, with themselves in total and absolute control. They have been doggedly pursuing this awful plan for many years. They tried it with the League of Nations (after they engineered our entry into World War I), They tried it with the United Nations (after they did the same thing in World War II). They pushed us into no-win wars in Korea and Vietnam. They put their dreaded blue helmets" to work in Katanga, Africa and the Middle East as part of the same evil scheme. And along the way, they've managed to amass more profits for themselves and more power for the governments they control. There is just one major failure they've endured: they were never able to get a majority of Americans to go along with their "one- world government" schemes. Until now. A NEW ROAD TO TOTAL POWER After decades of seeing their "New World Order" plans scorned and rejected, the Insiders have silently and secretly changed tactics. They've hit on the one way they believe will finally let them seize total world power. They believe they'll face barely a whimper of protest. In fact, they're confident the overwhelming majority of Americans will actually applaud their plans. If you understand the dramatic switch that's taking place, you can turn the planned WIPEOUT into dramatic profits for yourself. if you don't, you'll fall right into their trap. Here's that all important change: Instead of striving for total political power, the Insiders have decided to go for total financial power first. They know that once they achieve control of the world's finances. Political control will follow. So instead of building a world government first, it will be regional banks, followed by a world bank. Regional currencies, followed by a world currency. And regional governments, followed by a true world government. By the time their trap is closed, they believe, it will be too late for anyone to oppose them. You're probably asking yourself, How can they possibly hope to get away with it? What could ever persuade Americans to surrender financial sovereignty to a "New World Order"? The Insiders have the answer to that one, too. A SERIES OF PLANNED CRISES Crisis. In fact, dozens of them. Create enough emergencies at home (from bank failures to bread lines) and engineer enough conflicts abroad (the Middle East is a classic case), and what happens? The Insiders believe it will send us rushing to embrace their "solution." Instead of "wars and want," the Insiders will promise "peace and plenty." The price will be accepting their one-world controls ... their one world currency ... their New World Order. So what if this means losing a little sovereignty? Sacrificing a few of our freedoms? Agreeing to merge some of our government with the rest of the world? You should shudder at the prospect. But I'm afraid most of the world will applaud. PUTTING THEIR PLANS ON "FAST FROWARD" For decades the Insiders practiced the art of "patient gradualism." Their favorite dance was "two steps forward, one step back." Now they appear to have put their plans on "fast forward." Why the almost obscene haste? I'm very much afraid it's because they think they're nearing the goal line. In their long campaign to build a New World Order, the Insiders believe they're rounding the final turn. So they're increasing the pace in a mad dash for the finish line. You can see how events are accelerating. Remember the panic of the "Planned Crash" of "87? Then come the "collapse of communism" and the building of a "united Europe." Anyone who dares oppose them is a target. Margaret Thatcher resisted their plans for a unified Europe. Zap, she's history. Lech Walesa embraces the "new realities." Guess who's the new prime minister of Poland? Saddam Hussein gets tricked into invading Kuwait, and we respond by rushing in half-a-million troops. Not under U.S. command, by the way, but under the control of the United Nations. Our special report on the whole charade, "Countdown to the New World Order," Will make your blood boil. But it could save everything you've earned. In a moment I'll tell you how to receive a free copy. Before I do, here's some good news. There is a way to protect yourself from the disasters to come. You don't have to be wiped out by the coming convulsions. How can you insulate yourself and your family from the planned crises? By knowing in advance what the next Insider moves are. And getting out of the way of danger ... while you get in position for profits. -------------------------------- The following is from The Plain Truth magazine, March 1991 THE NEW WORLD ORDER It Could Backfire On Those Who Want It Most! Last August, Iraq did more than occupy Kuwait. It transgressed international law and threatened the world's collective security. It was a first test of a new world order that has come into being following the collapse of European communism and the end of the Cold War. Whatever the eventual outcome of the Kuwait crisis, progress may have been made toward a world regulated by international consensus. This seems good news for democratic nations who need peace and stability to prosper. But it could lead to some nasty surprises. International law is, in general terms, the mutually agreed-on- rules by which nations conduct affairs of State with each other. It has been a rather hazy concept in international relations. it is widely accepted that a government can behave in almost any way it pleases within its own borders. others may not like it, yet nations generally accept that they do not have the right to interfere in each others' internal affairs. But what if a national policy has negative repercussions beyond a sovereign nation's territory? Are some actions "crimes against humanity," to be intercepted and perhaps punished? If so, who decides what is acceptable and what is not? The concept that such matters become legitimate concerns of international law has seldom been put to the test. The League of Nations, formed after the First World War, was a genuine attempt to provide a forum to resolve international conflicts. But the League could not stop Imperial japan, Mussolini or Hitler planning and waging aggressive campaigns that led to the Second World War. When it was over, a number of the vanquished leaders were convicted of "crimes against humanity" by war crimes tribunals a first in the history of international law. International law remains, however, a vague ideal. As U.S. Judge Robert Bork noted: "There can be no authentic rule of law among nations until nations have a common political morality or are under a common sovereignty." WHEN MIGHT IS RIGHT Without a commonly accepted code of behavior, military superpowers are the key to enforcing international law. Without them, smaller nations might be left muttering that something must be done, but little can be. Superpowers tend to react only when their own interests are threatened. International law becomes, DE FACTO, what the most powerful nations agree is in their best interests. The unprecedented international reaction to the Kuwaiti affair has put nations on notice that naked aggression will not be tolerated in the developing new world order. That is good news. But it raises some interesting questions. Is planning and waging aggression the only threat to collective security that should bring the wrath of the world down on a nation? NONMILITARY INTERNATIONAL ISSUES When the Gulf crisis is resolved, other international issues need facing. We have to find a way to live on a more and more crowded earth, and our collective welfare is becoming ever more interdependent. Scientists and other environmentalists warn that we must more carefully manage our resources for humanity to survive. Surely rain forests are an international resource and their destruction threatens the will being, and maybe the existence of much of mankind. Could a future world consensus put more than just moral pressure, sanctions for example, on Brazilians to stop slashing and burning rain forest? What about atmospheric pollution? Or toxic waste disposal? Managing the noxious by-products of advanced technology has become expensive. Nations tend to be concerned only after they have their industrial base. Developing countries argue that they must first be allowed to follow the cheap and dirty path to industrial development before pausing to clean up themess. So could should international law be invoked to force newly industrializing countries, Thailand and Mexico, for example, to sacrifice national progress for international good? Then there is the question of economics. The prosperity or poverty of billions hangs on the health of a few big league currencies the dollar, yen, pound sterling, franc and deutsche mark. Does such currency constitute a global resource? Since mismanagement has international repercussions, should an economic superpower like the U. S., which persists in financial irresponsibility, be accountable under international law? If American's free-spending, debt-happy government and people won't discipline themselves, could a world consensus impose trade sanctions or other forms of discipline? Nations treat international agreements in a very cavalier fashion if in their own best interests to do so. To work, the new world order must have sufficient power to maintain control. The Kuwaiti affair has shown that. The economic superpowers, like Germany and Japan, who face serious consequences if anything happens to Middle East oil, found themselves essentially powerless. They needed America's military muscle. How long will the world be willing to live with this situation? Though more and more nations are now wanting to embark on a course of democratic free market economy, not everyone is comfortable with the United States' experiment in democracy. Can the world afford the American model of development to be repeated in one after the other of the newly industrial countries? A world that must manage a growing population and dwindling resources may decide it cannot afford Waster-style economic profligacy after all. Jesus Christ once pointed out (Luke 22:25) that many people prefer stern authoritarian systems of government than the unpredictability of free market democracy. It might seem unlikely now, but a future generation, with its back to the wall over population and environmental pressures, might opt for stricter control, even at the expense of personal and economic freedom. Conjecture? Perhaps, but the Bible has warned us to expect something like this to happen. The Appoclypse or book of Revelation describes a future world in the grip of a strong confederation of nations. They have combined under a charismatic leader to form an economic, political, military and religious superpower bloc. This superpower effectively controls the world. It decides who controls the world. It decides who can trade, with what commodities, and with whom. The curtain has not yet risen on such a world. But the script has been written, the cast may be assembling. Listen carefully, and you can hear ominous sounds backstage. When the time comes for this prophesied stern superpower to impose its will upon the world, those who now look for order and security in international law and collective security may find themselves in trouble. Some of today's free-wheeling, free-market, freedom-conscious and liberal nations might well be the victims of the new world order. Others may welcome its rule. For a while, it may seem mankind has at last found a common political (and economic and religious) morality, and even a common sovereignty. The Bible, however, shows this new world order turns into a trap one last desperate attempt of mankind to solve his problems without the written revelation of God. But it will fail catastrophically, with consequences so devastating only the intervention of God can save humanity. At that critical point God will intervene, and save humanity from itself. The Bible shows this is how our dream of a world ruled fairly by international, spiritually based law will be realized. That law, given to humans by their Creator at Mt. Sinai, is summed up by Jesus, statement: "You shall love God with all your heart" and "you shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39). That this will happen is the good news in a frightening and uncertain future. ------------------------------ The SPOTLIGHT Editorial October 15, 1990 Data Entry by Fran PRESIDENT BUSH AND HIS 'NEW WORLD ORDER' Say it once. Say it twice. Say it three times. "New world order." You might as well say it since you're going to be hearing a lot about it in the days to come. It;s nothing new. The world- improvers have been working on it for a long time but they've never admitted it publicly before. Now, the CAT'S OUT OF THE BAG and you can thank your conservative Republican president and his chorus of yes-men for it. In his book, THE WORLD CONSPIRACY, author Nicola M. Nicolov describes this old conspiracy and succeeds very well. The evidence proving a plot to impose world government is there and it cannot be denied. To usher in this "new world order" a good war is needed. Well, not exactly a good war, any old war. and the war that Bush and his superiors have fashioned is war enough. It's a lousy war, with no war aims that will stand up to examination - which is exactly what the rest of the media are making sure of. But let;s examine what this war is all about and what to expect from it - and what not to expect from it. Like all wars this country has been slickered into since the Civil War, it is presented as a do-good-for-others war with no thought whatsoever being given to the advantages supposed to flow for us. Isn't the world mission for the internationalists to improve the lot of everyone else while ignoring the problems at home? But JUST TO BE DIFFERENT let's examine all of the magnificent results to be logically expected for the Great American Suckers who are expected to fight and pay for Mr. Bush's war. Let us look at things - for a change- from the standpoint of the interests of the American nation and the people who inhabit it, not the interests of the Israelis, the British, the Arabian oligarchies, the international oil companies and bankers. We realize this is a unique outlook, but let's make a stab at it. Let us ask some questions, very specific. Let us consider the major and vital issues facing the American people - which happen to be exactly the issues the politicians wish to avoid: * Will Mr. Bush's war lower Federal spending? * Will it lower the Federal Budget? * Will it decrease the size and power of the meddling and wasteful Federal bureaucracy, including such freedom-expanding and helpful agencies as the IRS, FDA and CIA? * Will it diminish political corruption? * Will it lower the interest burden? * Will it fight inflation? * Will it lower the price of gas, Diesel, hating oil etc? * Will it fight the drug plague? * Will it make it safe for people in cities to walk the streets again without being mugged or killed? * Will it help to uncover the crooks who perpetrated the S&L SCAM OF $500 billion or so? * Will it aid the American farmer or wage-earner or retired worker or the homeless and destitute? * Will it clean up our slums, fix up our highways, provide cheap public transportation and give the unemployed honest labor producing for society instead of the waste of war? * Will it clean up our smutty media and entertainment? Will it replace pornography with art and cure the disease of homosexuality rotting our society? *Will it improve or even server to maintain your quality of life in any way unless you are of a favored class of profiteers or own an oil well? THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS are evident by asking them. War always increases the size and power of the government. It always enriches the sleazy profiteers and tends to keep the politicians in office. It always diverts the attention of the public from the real issues, centering their ardor on unattainable chimeras and will-o-the wisp rhetorical flourishes, a sure and certain recipe for domestic disaster. And in this case, the worst chimera of all is the new world order of the international mattoids, carefully designed to separate the American people not only from their money and their blood but also their Constitution, because what war are talking about is world government, nothing less. It wasn't too long ago when the conservatives of America were often heard sounding their opposition to the socialistic, leftist world planners who made the mistake of actually saying what they meant when they said they were for world government, they made no effort to hide it but the conservatives and libertarians now working for world government are not the frank. They are only working for free trade, a world money transfer system without any encumbrances, the letting down of all immigration barriers, the elimination of passports, even and international money system, and they profess not to understand that the culmination of their desires would result in the end of American sovereignty, the Constitution and everything identifiable as American. Can they really be that stupid? Or do they just expect the American people to be stupid enough to swallow the bait? THIS IS A FIGHT for American sovereignty, you can be certain of that. Loss of sovereignty means loss of everything Americans have built; it is a repudiation of every American who has died for his country - as certain a repudiation as this government now gives to the many POW 'S and MIAs lost in Korea and Vietnam - and the ones who will certainly be lost, forgotten and repudiated in the war Mr. Bush is trying so hard to get started. (Remember that in case you're thinking of enlisting.) As Theodore Roosevelt said, real patriotism consists of speaking the right and doing what is right, even if the president and the Trilateralist/Israeli lobby don't like it. IT'S TIME TO SPEAK UP.r enough. It's a lousy war, with no war aims that will stand up to -------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT October 22, 1990 Data Entry by Mark McDonald INTERNATIONALISTS WANT OPEN BORDERS THE FREE_TRADE internationalists are at it again. This time, in order to more perfectly shape the United States into the perceived ideal of a borderless, cultureless, unrestricted market for foreign goods, the elitists are working to open up our borders to all comers. The House of Representatives has outdone the Senate in passing yet another immigration "reform" bill, one that would provide amnesty to more millions of people already in this country illegally, and sharply increase the number of immigrants permitted into the United States each year. Yet to be decided is whether the House plan H.R. 4300, introduced by Rep. Bruce Morrison (D-Conn.), or a Senate version, S.358, introduced by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), passed earlier will prevail as a conference committee irons out differences in the separate measures. The House wants to hike by nearly a quarter of a million the number of immigrants allowed into the country annually-to 775,000. Right now, the ceiling is 540,000 a year. The measure also would boost so-called "family-based" immigration from 436,000 to 520,000 and employment-based immigration from 54,000 to 188,000. Family-based immigration reform entails liberalizing the rules allowing family members of legal residents-or illegal aliens granted amnesty-to join them in the United States. Employment-based immigration would admit foreigners with special skills perceived to be in short supply in the U.S. labor pool. By contrast, the Senate version would raise total immigration to 630,000-family-based immigration to 480,000 and employment-based immigration to 150,000. The White House has indicated President Bush favors the Senate version, but has refused to state definitely whether he would veto a final bill following House guidelines. Supporters of the legislation, particularly in the House, contend that there's a shortage of skilled workers in America and that the special employment-based category would enable certain jobs to be filled. But critics have pointed out how ridiculous this contention is. The U.S. labor pool is larger than ever, with more wives than ever being forced to work to maintain a middle-class standard of living. Even if the skills for certain jobs were in short supply, it would be much better for the country for government and industry to train American worker, rather than allowing foreigners to further aggravate the tight job market and deprive Americans of these coveted jobs. The only other rationalization for allowing an increased number of foreigners into the country is to provide the sort of labor that Americans are alleged not to want anymore-farm labor, minimum wage service jobs and unskilled, low-paying factory jobs. Oddly, business leaders and internationalist think tank economists are joined by labor leaders in welcoming increased immigration. Although one would think the rank-and-file union membership would oppose opening the floodgates to aliens for the express purpose of taking the decreasing number of good jobs remaining in this country, they all claim that the U.S. cannot compete internationally without foreign skilled workers. But others, including LIberty Lobby, the populist institution on Capitol Hill, argue that there is no shortage of people in this country, and that the perceived shortages are a result of a woefully deteriorating education system. The government has a responsibility to try to improve education for its own citizens (which in most cases means simply staying out of it altogether, and returning control of education to the communities, where it resided in the past), rather than simply giving up and saying we'll let foreigners do the hard stuff for us from now on. The conference committee that is dealing with the House and Senate immigration bills is working under the gun. Congress wants to adjourn no later than Oct. 19, meaning a new immigration law must be hammered out and resubmitted to each chamber for a vote by then. However there has been talk of a lame duck session after the November elections to deal with a number of issues that have been put on the back burner because of the dispute over the federal budget. A new immigration law and other legislation presumably could be dealt with at that time. Attempts have been made, so far unsuccessfully, to moderate the effects of the proposed immigration legislation. Rep. john Bryant (D-Tex.) has pointed out that it is very difficult for most Americans "to accept the premise which is offered to members [of the House] that we have a labor shortage in this country that must be remedied by allowing an additional 300,000 persons a year to enter this country. If we have a shortage, it is a shortage of jobs and a shortage of training. It is not a shortage of people. The fact of the matter is we can't take care of the people we have now." Bryant also criticized the costs of the legislation, noting he was "astonished to see this Congress come forward and advocate it in a time when we cannot even pay our bills, we cannot educate our children, we cannot fight crime." To be more specific, contended Rep. Tom Lewis (R-Fla.), the House immigration proposal would result in the settlement in the United States of more than 1.6 million immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and parolees in 1991, the first year it would take effect. Lewis pointed out that the costs of public primary and secondary education programs alone for this number would total $1.5 billion for that year. And, "this estimate does not include the costs attributable to illegal immigrants." Lewis said conservative estimates project the new immigration figures would swell Florida's population by 500,000 people over the next five years, boosting the costs of providing state and local government services by $1 billion. Yet, he noted, Congress has made no provision to aid the states in paying for the burden of federal immigration policy over which the nation's governors and legislatures have no control. Lewis said that unless the immigration bill is amended there is doubt "whether or not states can continue to administer the basic education and medical programs that must be extended to the citizens of the states as well as the immigrants in that state." Rep. Bill Richardson (D-N.M.), one of the bill's supporters, said that "the reason this bill is important is because it's good for American business and it's good for global competitiveness. "Are we going to allow outdated assumptions and nativism to hinder our growth?" he asked. This is one of the biggest frauds contained in the drumbeat of propaganda to force public acceptance of opening up our borders to unlimited immigration; that the "new world order" we are entering into is one of unrestricted free trade, and that to successfully compete, our immigration policy must mirror our trade policy. To argue that the United States should preserve its cultural identity and take care of its citizens before accepting any more, is to labeled a "nativist," as if loving one's country and one's own people is distasteful and old fashioned at best, or racist and hateful at worst. The provision granting another amnesty to illegal aliens in the latest proposed legislation also demonstrates the duplicity of Congress. When the 1986 Immigration Reform Act took effect it was vowed that never again would amnesty be extended to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who cross U.S. borders each year. Yet amnesty is again at hand. Under the 1986 law Congress extended amnesty to more than 3.1 million illegal aliens; all they had to do was ask for it, and more than half that group did so. At that time, Congress stipulated it was a one-time-only proposition, but four years later the offer is once again about to be made. Public opinion surveys have found Americans strongly opposed to increased immigration. In fact, 67 percent of those surveyed recently by the Roper Organization though immigration ought to be reduced. Meanwhile, the Immigration and Naturalization Service reports that more than 1 million undocumented aliens were apprehended trying to cross the U.S. border with Mexico during fiscal year 1990. It is sage to assume that those caught are only a portion of the aliens actually crossing the border. The much-vaunted "enforcement provisions" of the original 1986 immigration bill, which was to trade a massive amnesty for increased Border Patrol efforts and sanctions against employers who hire illegal aliens, have been a massive failure. And the problem of uncontrolled, illegal immigration has not been alleviated on bit. Let your lawmakers know that this bill exactly the opposite of what should be done in regard to immigration at this time. And let them know in a hurry. ---------------------------- WHO'S BEHIND THE 'NEW WORLD ORDER'? BY MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER Who's behind the so-called "new world order" which President George Bush and his Establishment allies have been promoting? First things first. It's not really a "new" idea. The grand design for a new world order has been in the works for decades; It was the original premise upon which the ill-fated League of Nations was conceived and, later, the basis upon which the United nations was established. only now, however, as a result of the crisis in the Middle East, have those who have been scheming for a new world order begun to talk publicly of their ultimate aim: one world government. This is because it has taken them until now to see their globalist dream placed within their reach. A lot of key players in global affairs have been in the forefront of the drive for a new world order, but foremost among them are the members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). As early as 1974 the CFR launched its "1980s Project" which had as its aim "nothing less than the creation of a new global political and economic system to replace the existing one." That is, a new world order. This is the assessment of Professors Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, writing in their landmark study of the CFR, "Imperial Brain Trust: The CFR and United States Foreign Policy." (monthly Review Press, 1977). To understand how U.S. foreign policy is conducted, you have to understand the CFR. Some go so far as to say that the CFR is "America's secret government." What is the CFR? Formally headquartered in New York, the CFR's membership constitutes a wide-ranging array of powerful individuals (including members of the Rockefeller family) who operate in the Rockefeller sphere of influence. These include major figures in the media, academia and the corporate, legal and financial worlds. There is also a significant number of government officials (both elected and appointed) who serve as CFR members. According to author Ferdinand Lundberg, writing The Rockefeller Syndrome (Lyle Stuart, Inc. 1975): "The people associated with the CFR include just about all who have a direct ownership stake in the external economic and financial instrumentalities that service the American market. "They know long before the average citizen does when these instrumentalities are being threatened or interfered with. The maintenance of peace, of course, is important. But there comes times when one may have to fight for one's vital interests." As shown by this quote, the CFR plays a major role in deciding whether America goes to war. Today, as the United States stands on the brink of catastrophe in the Middle East, it is members of the CFR who are deciding when - and if - America should go to war. As the chart on the inside of this special report demonstrates, the key policy making positions in the Bush administration (particularly in the realm of foreign policy) are occupied by CFR members. The CFR publishes the quarterly journal FOREIGN AFFAIRS and conducts regular meetings and seminars. Key meetings are strictly confidential and off the record. Created in 1921 with Rockefeller family funding, the CFR emerged as the American branch of the British Royal Institute on International Affairs (RIIA). The RIIA was the brainchild of English financier and imperialist Cecil Rhodes. It was devoted to the ultimate goal of restoring British hegemony over the United States. It is this British link that leads many critics to charge that the CFR is, in effect, the U.S. office of Whitehall (the British foreign ministry). As a consequence, the CFR has never failed to advance U.S. foreign policy measures that prop up Britain in one fashion or another: most notable, engineering U.S. intervention into the European Conflict that evolved into World War II. It has been this way since the establishment of the CFR. CFR members, beginning with the Republican administration of Herbert Hoover, on through the present day in administrations of both parties, have continuously been appointed to key policy making posts, steering the course of America;s engagement in world affairs. Leading figures from within the CFR played the primary role in creating the UN, the global body that - at least under the so- called new world order would function as the DE FACT "world government." (No surprise, then,that it was the Rockefeller family itself that donated the land upon which the United Nations headquarters building occupies.) According to Shoup and Minter, "The planning of UN can be traced to the 'secret steering committee' established by Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull in January 1943." All of the members of this secret committee, with the exception of Hull - a Tennessee politician were members of the CAR. "They saw Hull regularly to plan, select, and guide the labors of the [States] Department's Advisory Committee. It was, in effect, the coordinating agency for all the State Department postwar planning." These CAR figures "were most responsible for the final shape of the United Nations." Today the UN the CAR creation is playing a pivotal role in President Bush;s design for a new world order. The president has cast his war against Iraq as part and parcel of the plan for a new world order. Once Saddam has been vanquished, Bush promises, the new world order can come to full flower. However, for the Establishment to successfully foist its new world order onto the American people, it will first be necessary for the powers-that-be to propagate its "party line" to the masses. The mechanism is there for the CAR to do this. Although the CAR in Manhattan-based, its reach is coast-to- coast, and beyond. The CAR has affiliated entities (dozens of them, in fact) in major cities across the country: Locally prominent figures in politics, society and academia are invited to "exclusive" membership in the CAR affiliates. These entities bring to their forums well-known global figures and conduct policy seminars which promote the new world order propaganda line of the CAR on the local level. A major part of the Establishment's drive for the new world order is shaping public opinion - this so that the voting public will accept the internationalist agenda laid forth by the planners behind the scenes. According to one leading CFR member, the planners of the new world order "seek a private consensus" on major issues. "Consensus seeking," he said, "must be a central element." The power brokers "will seek to educate attentive audiences so that public opinion will come to reflect the private consensus." In other words, the CFR power brokers will seek a consensus among their own particular elite regarding what approaches to take toward major international issues. And after such a consensus" is reached, the power brokers will use their influence to "educate" local elites (such as those who make up CFR affiliates around the country) as to what is "best" for the people. As a result, these influential local groups will then propagate the CFR's new world order propaganda line "in the public interest." In this way, a small clique (such as those operating in the Rockefeller-CFR sphere of influence) is able to propagate its views to eager local audiences who then spread globalist, anti-national thinking in their own communities. ------------------------------ The SPOTLIGHT DECEMBER 17, 1990 Data Entry by SYSOP CULT-OWNED 'CONSERVATIVES' ADVANCE ONE-WORLD AGENDA The Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his army of well-paid shills in the media and in the so called conservative movement are embarking upon the last great item in their agenda for world domination: the elimination of nationalism. By Oscar Boline Hundreds of guests from all over the world will descend upon Washington on Friday 14, to take part in what may well be the most sinister Christmas celebration the world has ever known. For three days the guests will attend the "American Leadership Conference" at which speakers will expound upon the theme of the "dying" American dream and the inability of Americans to lead even them selves. This conference will be followed by two days, December 17 and 18, observing the goings-on in and around Washington. Then two days, December 19 and 20, in New York where special emphasis will be made to show the guests the life of the "street people," slum housing, evidence of "social injustice" and the "decadence" of the "dying" American dream. This is a Christmas gift that will convince many of the guests that the peoples of the world cannot trust American leadership. SANTA CLAUS That is the message that the "Santa Claus" who is footing the bill for their all-expense trip wants to convey. His name is Sun Myung Moon. Moon, the South Korean Businessman who says he is the Son of God, told his Unification Church followers on New Year's Day 1987, that his aim from then on would be the subjugation of the American government and people to his will. This subjugation, according to the boasts of some of his right-hand men, would be so profound "...that no one can run for office in the United States without our permission." Targeted for destruction are conservative and nationalist political parties as well as conservative religious groups that have potential political clout. For its purpose a number of new organizations have been founded, such as the American Freedom Coalition. This group contends that politics cannot be separated from religion and plans the establishment of a third, nominally christian party that would attract those who are repulsed by the "atheistic and non-religious" Republican and Democratic parties. Former leaders of the Unification Church with intimate knowledge of Moon tell this writer that in this Christian Party - which Moon will found and lead - the ideas of freedom, rule of law and dignity of the individual which we hold sacred will not exist. AS for the American Leadership Conference, the chances are the public will be kept in the dark and the Establishment media will ignore it completely. As this writer has been told, nothing has appeared in the press, let alone the Washington Times and the weekly newsmagazine Insight, both owned by the Unification Church and edited by Arnaud de Borchgrave. It appears that these hundreds of guests will descend upon a city unaware of their arrival, let alone their important mission. SPOTTED IN MOSCOW Though de Borchgrave was spotted by a number of this reporter's sources, and even engaged in conversation with one, during the meeting of the World Media Association, another Moon front group, in Moscow last Easter week, not a word about the meeting appeared in the Times, Insight or the New York City Herald, another Moonie newspaper. This meeting in Moscow was the group's 11th annual meeting. Moscow had been the chosen meeting place to commemorate the beginning of the detente between Moon and Moscow and tour the Soviet Union, as well as hobnob with Borbachev's top men. Among those invited to Moscow was former Argentine president Raul Alfonsin, three former presidents of Costa Rica and thirty-one other heads of state, mostly from South America. Jihan Sadat, widow of the assassinated President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, Allen Neuharth of USA Today and some prominent members of American conservative groups - such as Arnold Beichman of the Hoover Institution and Reed Irvine of Accuracy in Media - were also on hand. At the fourth annual meeting of the World Media Association in the autumn of 1984, Irvine was the main speaker and chaired the discussions on the responsibilities of the media. It is reported that he is closely associated with the Moonies and that the Moonie meetings is carefully woven by Irvine. There are also reports that he is receiving financial support from the Moonies. If so, Irvine is just one of many who enjoy the Moonie handouts. Lists of those getting these handouts include congressmen, senators, governors, presidential candidates, publishers of influential newsletters etc. it is reported that the late Rep. Lawrence P. McDonald was one of these and because of his closeness to the Moonies chose to travel by Korean Air Lines in a flight that cost him his life (he was aboard KAL flight 007, which veered off course and was shot down over Soviet territory). His former aide, the shadowy John Rees, publishes Information Digest which is reportedly receiving financing from the Moonies. Ree's mysterious activities have been reported on extensively in The SPOTLIGHT. These handouts are mere peanuts to those who control the purse strings of the Unification Church's financial conglomerate. Since the mid 1970's it has diversified and expanded into almost every profitable field. Now it promises to get its share of the privatization going on in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. KGB PLOT Their interest in the Soviet Union has given rise to speculation that the Moonies have now dropped their "conservative" mantle and have become part of a plot cooked up by the KGB and what is left of other East European intelligence organizations to destroy conservatism and nationalism worldwide. Members of Germany's nationalist Republican Party accuse the Moonies for the events which caused the internal dissension within their party just days after the Moscow meeting of the World Media Association. In October, 1989 the Republicans were riding the crest of a victory on the state of Baden-Wurttemburg. After the most recent elections, they no longer occupy a single seat in Germany's Parliament. The Moonies' plan for global domination is not a very well-kept secret. Moon himself makes no attempt to hide his ideology and his ling-term goals. But his army of well-paid retainers in the United States and around the world lend him a respectable veneer that the Establishment media takes at face value. The upcoming meeting in Washington will no doubt enjoy the same treatment. --------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT January 7 & 14, 1991 SHADOW GOVERNMENT REACHED ITS '90 GOALS By James P. Tucker Jr. It was a banner year for the world shadow government in 1990: They raised your taxes in the United States and drummed Margaret Thatcher out of No. 10 Downing Street in England. "Bilderberg orders tax hike," SPOTLIGHT readers learned on May 28. "The Bilderberg group [is] plotting the political assassination: of the British prime minister "because of her refusal to yield British sovereignty to the European superstate that is to emerge in 1992," The SPOTLIGHT reported on May 29, 1989. "The Bilderberg group is bringing its considerable pressure to bear on President George Bush to increase taxes," The SPOTLIGHT reported. "The group is confident he will comply-albeit with public expressions of reluctance." Thus, readers knew months in advance that Bush was programed to break his "no new taxes" pledge. This Bush did on cue, in the budget deal with Congress in October that resulted in increased taxes and higher spending as a means of "reducing the deficit." A massive plan to offset and expected reduction in war profits-caused by the demise of communism and the end of the Cold War-by pressuring governments, most notably, the United States, into massive spending on the environment was uncovered at the meeting of the Trilateral Commission (TC' SPOTLIGHT, May 7, 1990). The Trilateralists called for a new global bureaucracy to direct a world wide fight, ostensibly for clean air and water, with the American taxpayers bearing the heaviest burden through World Bank handouts. MASSIVE MOBILIZATION The world should similarly respond to the threat to the environment, the Trilateralists said. The Bilderberger and Trilateral groups are supersecret organizations of international financiers and political leaders who meet behind closed doors each spring to plan their global strategy. David Rockefeller is the dominant force in the Trilateralists; he shares power with the Rothschilds of ?Europe in the older Bilderberg group. However, the leadership of both groups is overlapping, and their policies are coordinated. So it was after the Trilateralists proclaimed their war on pollution at their meeting in Washington during April that White House Chief of Staff john Sununu was summoned to the Bilderberg meeting on Long Island in May for a chewing out. Sununu, who is well know for bullying congressional leaders and Cabinet members, had also expressed skepticism about investing tax dollars in a war on pollution. But after the international elite got through with Sununu at its sevret meeting, he fell silent on the issue. The president's bully was himself bullied. TC AT WHITE HOUSE Bush, himself a longtime member of the TC, as was President Jimmy Carter, met with the commission at the White House in April. Vice President Dan Quayle was summoned to the Bilderberg meeting to make sure the White House pipeline remained intact. Plans to exploit cheap labor in South America were also uncovered at the Trilateral meeting. The SPOTLIGHT had reported a year earlier, from Paris, that the TC was sending a task force to study schemes for economic development in South America for the first time. The task force report, circulated to members as a tool for pressuring their governments, calls for huge amounts of capital to be poured into the debt-ridden countries of South America. While the report is circumspect and does not directly call for sending more American tax dollars, Bill Perry, and author of the report, admitted that was the goal. Also, under SPOTLIGHT questioning, Perry admitted that the Trilateralists try to influence government policy, which the Trilateralists have long denied, despite the absurdity of their of their refusal to make this admission. "People involved hold high [government] positions," Perry said. "The commission has its own prestige, and the members have their own." Bus has recently returned from South America, where he was carrying out the Trilateral-Bilderberg mandate by privately assuring governments of debt forgiveness and more American tax dollars, and publicly pledging to institute unrestricted "free trade," virtually giving away the American store and permitting a flood of foreign-produced, cheap-labor products into the United States, throwing millions of American workers out of their jobs (SPOTLIGHT, Dec 24). The free trade scam is an old gambit of the "one-worlders" to destroy national sovereignty and to move the world into a so-called global economy without a world government, which is the grand design of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group and the allied big money interests they represent. The SPOTLIGHT is the sole newspaper in the country to cover the secret operations of these enigmatic, shadowy internationalist groups. It is also the only newspaper to have ever penetrated their meetings and report on the proceedings. Ironically, the major news organizations are well aware of these groups' activities, since many of the media elite are members of both groups. Newsmen, however, who attend as participants are sworn to secrecy and never reveal the grand plans hatched for the rest of us. -------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT January 7 & 14, 1991 Data Entry by SYSOP SEARCH FOR REAL ENEMY CENTERED IN WASHINGTON By Jim Townsend Jim Townsend is the editor and publisher of The National Educator, P.O. Box 333, 1051-E South Lemon, Fullerton, Calif 92632 The main enemy facing the American people is not located in Iraq, Moscow, Havana or Peking. It,s located in Washington, D.C. and it's ruled over by elected congressmen and women who in an unholy alliance with its tens of thousands of bureaucrats, are out to skunk the civilian population of this nation. Government, as it's known, is a big business and, just like the multinational corporations, this government has been allowed to spawn. It's dedicated to reducing its citizens to paupers. As the script is written, if everything goes as planned, the New World Order will see the merger of the U.S,, Soviet Russia and, perhaps, even England. If it goes as the script is written, "We, the People" will have come full circle from near political slaves to freedom under a constitution to political slaves under the New World Order. Once the New World Order has been implemented, just as the people in Russia came to understand under communism, the state is the total authority and owns every thing. The unseen forces that have been dedicated to this New World Order have been plotting, planning and working for the day when freedom as we have come to know it, will be a thing of the past. Private business and competition will cease to exist. Once again, central planning will bet the order of the day; people will work where their political commissar dictates and live in whatever part of the world they are forced to move. YESTERDAY'S WORRIES Only yesterday, the people were worried about the collapse of the savings and loan companies that were projected to cost the taxpayers up to a half-trillion bucks. Banks were failing, the real estate moguls were starting to see their empires go under the hammer, Congress was working night and day to heap more taxes on the backs of the already bent taxpayers and, to top it off, a national election was just around the corner. These were just some of the problems facing our so-called national leaders. What to do? Well, if one could find a trusting Mideast dictator who was hurting from an eight-year war and having trouble selling his oil at what was needed to pull his country out of a military sinkhole, it could be just the ticket to take people's minds off domestic problems that seem insurmountable on the home front. Finding a greedy and brutal Mideast dictator was easy enough. With just the slightest hint from the U.S. State Department that our government would not oppose a move on territory that had been politically chopped off the dictator's country in the past, you have a gift-wrapped diversion from the domestic problems on the home front. Just what was needed,. Now, quickly assemble as many of the armed forces as possible, rush them overseas to the sand dunes of Saudi Arabia, confront the double-crossed dictator and demand that he leave Kuwait or else. WORKED LIKE A CHARM By accident or design, it worked like a charm and suddenly all the talk was about Saddam Hussein, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, troop movements, military demands and what was going to happen next. Suddenly, the media, printed or electronic, were no longer talking about our cosmetic problems. While the Justice Department continued to indict and arrest savings and loan officials, the focus was on Kuwait and Hussein. The rip-off the Congress and the president loaded on all taxpayers' backs was shoved completely into the background. The domestic pressure that had congressmen and their political parties so worried just seemed to fade away. Result? Almost 100 percent of incumbents were re-elected. The national movement to throw the bums out had not only fizzled, it had completely flopped. Elections are history for another two years, but the problems "We, the People" are facing in the coming months ar only beginning. We don't know if Congress is going to allow President George Bush to usurp the right of Congress to get us into a shooting war. The public must react with letters, phone calls and telegrams to their congressmen immediately. People must let Bush know we are not willing to pay the cost of fighting someone else's war at the expense of 30,000 or more body bags full of our young soldiers. A WAR NOT WORTH WINNING We must let the Bush administration know that we are not going to buy any more government-instigated, no-win wars. We were suckered into a no-win war in Korea and another one in Vietnam. All undeclared but paid for by some 100,000 of the cream of the crop of our youth. It is my contention that a war not worth winning is not worth fighting and that the right of determining if this nation is to engage in a war belongs to the people who must make their views known to Congress. If this war gets off the ground, as it appears it will, and if Saddam Hussein decides to stand and fight, as most military men seem to feel he will, we could be locked up in a war for years. Saddam Hussein has already shown he not only will fight, but is willing to see untold thousands of his troops killed and wounded if he can inflict heavy casualties on his enemy. When the Bush body bags start coming back by the hundreds and thousands, the public is going to have a fit. By then, however, we'll be too involved to get out. Thus, the time to act is now. Don't let the Washington warlords use Saddam Hussein to promote a shooting war to bring on the New World Order. Act now. -------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT February 4, 1991 THE BILL OF RIGHTS This year, December 15, 1991 to be exact, is the 200th anniversary of the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution or what is more commonly known as the Bill of Rights. In this column of January 7 & 14 I warned that if we do not exercise these rights we will lose them, especially the rights to free speech and free press as guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The First Amendment has become such an accepted part of Americana that unfortunately it is too often taken for granted. "Of course, we have free speech. Of course we have freedom of the press," are utterances we have heard over and over again. But do we? There are forces, (not all mysterious, by the way) that would like to say, "freedom of speech, but... freedom of the press, but..." They choose to do what congress has no right to do. They choose to abridge (lessen) the cherished freedoms of those with whom they disagree. The force about whom we are speaking is the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). This organization, an unregistered agent of a foreign government - Israel - has been monitoring Liberty Lobby ever since the populist institution's inception three decades ago for the simple reason that our Board of Policy has always supported neutrality in the Middle East and we have never slavishly supported Israel, as have the rest of the national media. ADL ATTACKS ROUNDTABLE Of immediate interest here is the attack the ADL has launched against Editor's Roundtable, a weekly national radio program hosted by yours truly. This program, supported by the members of Liberty Lobby's Board of Policy, is bringing each week into the homes of millions of Americans an America-First perspective on the news of the week. Editor's Roundtable does not provide its listeners with jokes with which they can entertain their friends. Nor do the Roundtable panelists repeat government handouts or discuss unimportant issues. The show does offer incisive analysis Šand a cogent review of the "week that was." And what does the ADL do? They have written radio station executives to make them "aware of the nature of this program and its producers." The charge is the old canard of "anti-Semitism," which loudly rings false to those who honestly listen to the program. Those of you who regularly hear the Roundtable understand. Week after week experts on foreign policy, taxation, government and a myriad of other fields of vital importance to your survival give you straightforward, non-Establishment, uncensored news and commentary. Now that kind of programming bothers those who believe in censorship, who believe in abridging freedom of press and freedom of speech. Why not encourage your friends and neighbors to listen to the Roundtable? We're broadcast every Saturday evening between 6 and 7, and rebroadcast Sunday mornings at 7. Or purchase a tape of the program. (see advertisement page 17). Let your station know that you appreciate the program. Call the management; if possible visit them. Then let me know what happens. Do not surrender your First Amendment rights. Your influence counts. Use it.* ----------------------------- The SPOTLIGHT February 4, 1991 LEADING IRAQ WAR ADVOCATE HAS INTERNATIONALIST AGENDA If there's one single member of Congress who can take credit for the deaths of American boys and girls in the Persian Gulf, it's Rep. Stephen Solarz (D- N.Y.) Here's his whole sordid story. By Michael Collins Piper Who engineered congressional approval of the resolution that backed President George Bush's drive for war against Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein? None other than Rep. Stephen Solarz (D-N.Y.), the Israel lobby's chief legislative tactician on Capital Hill. A.M. Rosenthal of the New York Times recently describe Solarz as "the Democrat to whom the country (i.e., the United States) owes most." Many American nationalists might dispute that claim, considering Solarz's record. A leading member of the Rockefeller family's Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Solarz is perhaps the Establishment's most reliable legman in Congress. He is also, beyond question, one of the most liberal lawmakers in Washington. Since he first came to Congress, Solarz has consistently received remarkably low rating from Liberty Leader, the biennial congressional scorecard issued by Liberty Lobby, the Washington based populist institution. The most recent edition of the ledger, which rates lawmakers on the basis of their support for the interests of America's consumers, taxpayers and voters, gave Solarz a 20 percent rating, based on his votes on 10 key issues during the first session of 101st Congress. On every crucial issue of concern to the global power brokers, Solarz has been in the forefront of the action, both in Washington and around the world, shuttling back and forth on secret missions designed to advance the drive for the "New World Order" of which his ally, President George Bush, now speaks freely. From the toppling of anti-communist Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos to the campaign against America's allies in South Africa to the maneuvering on behalf of Britian's war against Argentina over the Falklands, Solarz has been a major player. NEVER WENT TO WAR A career politician who sat out the Vietnam War as a graduate student at Columbia University and as a youthful member of the New York state Assembly from 1968 to 1974 (at which time he was elected to Congress), Solarz himself has never seen military action nor even served in the military. This has not stopped Solarz, however, from urging on U.S. military intervention when it serves the peculiar needs of his political backers, most notably the Israel lobby and its wide-ranging network of political action committees that consistently line his campaign coffers. Although his cronies in the corruption-ridden Brooklyn Democratic political machine from which he emerged ensure Solarz hefty re-election percentages every two years, Solarz regularly maintains one of the largest campaign war chests in Congress. Despite his hawkish views toward the Middle East, Solarz made a name for himself as a fierce critic of America's anti-communist war in Vietnam. Clearly Solarz - as with all Zionists - opposed the war in Vietnam as the wrong war, not because they worked for peace. Solarz is the protege of David Rockefellar's top geopolitical adviser, Columbia University Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, the founder of Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission (another globalist pressure group). As such, he was ensured entry into the international Establishment. DELIVERING FOR ISRAEL A high-ranking member of both the House of Foreign Affairs Committee and the House of Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Solarz is well placed to advance the CFR Israel lobby agenda. In fact, in 1981, in a taxpayer-subsidized newsletter to his constituents, Solarz made it a matter of public record that when he was elected to Congress, in his own words, he "deliberately sought an assignment to the Foreign Affairs Committee precisely because he wanted to be in a position to be helpful to Israel." In his newsletters boldfacedly entitled "Delivering for Israel", Solarz bragged how he and "some of the other friend of Israel on the Foreign Affairs Committee" were able to increase aid to that foreign country by $660 million during that session of Congress. "It is a story," he wrote, "of how legislative maneuvering and political persistence managed to prevail over fiscal constraints", at a time he described as being plagued with "double-digit inflation, with all sorts of cutbacks in spending and the overall level of our foreign aid program likely to decline. "We were able," crowed Solarz, "to provide Israel with an increase in military and economic aid in one year alone which is the equivalent of almost three years of contributions of the national (U.S.) United Jewish Appeal." Solarz's most recent service to Israel was, of course, engineering congressional support for President George Bush's demand for war against Iraq, the Arab nation long perceived by Israel to be its major "enemy" (This despite the fact that Israel itself helped arm Iraq in its long and bloody war against Iran.) In fact it was Solarz who lead a panel of Israel's staunchest supporters in America in forming a "bipartisan" pressure group, the Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf," which lobbied, along with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), in favor of war. REPUDIATES MONROE DOCTRINE Another of Solarz's pet projects was promoting American involvement in Britian's 1982 war against Argentina over the Falkland Islands. The vote was taken with little more than a dozen congressmen present, shortly after Solarz and his House cronies had spread the word that no such vote would be taken on the floor that day. The Establishment forgot to tell you about that, but you read it in the SPOTLIGHT (August 23, 1982) One lawmaker, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich), later denounced Solarz's interventionists trick and called for the immediate repudiation of the illegitimate resolution, pointing out that even the House on Foreign Affairs Committee had yet to hold a single day of hearings on the crises. Clearly Solarz has risen to prominence, particularly as far as the conduct of America's foreign policy is concerned. By watching Solarz's actions closely, it is simple to know precisely which way the internationalist Establishment is moving.* ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)